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Soot with CD wicks

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It looks like your wicks aren't quite centered, if the one side has hang up and the other doesn't. Push the wicks over just a touch for the next burn. Other than that is looks very good so far!

Also, let loose and power burn it the next time for 6 or so hours and see what happens. I very seldom do only 3 hour test burns, as my customers NEVER burn that way.

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It looks like your wicks aren't quite centered, if the one side has hang up and the other doesn't. Push the wicks over just a touch for the next burn. Other than that is looks very good so far!

Also, let loose and power burn it the next time for 6 or so hours and see what happens. I very seldom do only 3 hour test burns, as my customers NEVER burn that way.

Already pushed the wicks a bit but thanks for the advice. I burned them for 4 hours. I agree with you on the weekends I burn all day. With this one I started at 6 am this morning cooled for two hours and burned again for another 4 cooled again and started at 6 again. this is the one that I get the soot on so . I will let you know . I am so surprised that the flame is good and wick looks great this time around . But none of that mattered in the past . I get the soot no matter what. so let's see. Thanks


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during this burn last night I started to see the soot floating around on the candle. but then I didn't anymore. so it was a very small amount . I started burning this morning at 6:45am. Will post those photos later . these are from last night. Thanks for all your input!




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I'm currently testing CDs in my mostly 464 blend with zero, zip, zilch, nada soot in 3" status jars & 3.5 inch Platinum Ball Jars (WM),

Mind sharing the size cd you are suing

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Not in a million years would I thought I could go down this low. The CD6s are picking up steam. The last burn was not to my liking but the next one was. I am also testing 2xcd7 and they are looking good so far.

Thank you all for the advice and thanks top and soy( through email) for recommending such small sizes. I still am interested in the sizes others use as well. I tried a single 10 and 12 in jj and they look good. Any one using 415 have a starting point for the wide mouth mason ?

Edited by lrbd
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Hope things are gradually shaping up. I suspect the CDs deposit soot because they burn well and suck up a lot of O2. Generally you think in terms of small sizes when it comes to double wicking, but with soy hopefully not so small that they can't deal with the viscous wax. You don't want them clogging and mushrooming.

I've still got my CD vs. CSN tumblers and gave them another burn. As you can see, the CDN 8 continues to look shroomy and clogged while the CD 8 has been burning and trimming clean as a whistle. That's what I'd call an excellent soy burn--the only problem being that the size of the flame is looking a bit big for that tumbler. It would be hard to imagine double wicking with that size.

Don't overlook the possibility that your problem is a combination of two things. If I were you I would make a tester with the smaller wicking and 7% FO instead of 8%. Maybe that will help tweak the sooting issue. With such a wide container and two wicks I think maybe you can concentrate on burn quality and not worry too much about scent throw.


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It's hard to see in your photo. they look similar to me but I 'll take your word for it and also that is what has me on the search for a better wick. Though the CDn worked better than the HTP with the mushrooming I was still getting mushrooms. I think the HTP would be a option if the sizes were not so few and far between.

but with soy hopefully not so small that they can't deal with the viscous wax. You don't want them clogging and mushrooming.

The other problem with too small is in my 24 oz elevation jar . it could possibly drowned out or struggle pretty badly on the way down until it picks up speed again if at all. Kinda like what I saw in the burn before last.

But yes I feel bit better today since I have yet to see the layer of soot show up on the CD6 or the CD7.Thanks for that!

I have put 2 CD7s in a citrus sage today as well the CD6 was not big enough in that scent .

One more tester I had going was a CD4 in a flower pot votive container. I am thinking that is way to small but can not make that decision yet it is early. The flower pot as you know is wide then narrow so maybe.

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Top, Is that 415? and what is the diameter of that tumbler? Looks really good with the cd8

The CD 8 may be a little big. It looks good now but we're not down into the nitty gritty yet. The diameter is 2 1/2" and the wax is GB 435. I had some lying around and never got a chance to try it out before.

I poured the 435 slushy but it just laughed and frosted thoroughly. It's powdery white specks and actually looks kind of pretty. Adhesion to the glass is really good and the wax burns beautifully. I guess the closest thing I would compare it to is CB-135.

My impression is the cottonseed blends have good burn qualities. I gotta say I could never really get GB 415 to burn worth a damn. 412 is okay, 435 and 416 burn like a charm, CW Soy-125 burns great, but 415 not so much. When I see a thread like this I wonder if the problem is the wax, but maybe not.

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The CD6 in the cherry lemonade was barely flickering . I am still testing the CD7 in the other cherry lemonade and a CD7 in a citrus sage. . still no soot .

The CD4 was soooo small in the flowerpot votive so I read people use a 10 I am trying that now along with 2 CD8 (again)in the 24 oz 4 inch diameter elevation jar and a CD14 in the wide mouth mason all with MC seaside .

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you said it sister !

I just ordered some glass glow cause I'm crazy

and some eco wicks just because

hopefully with all your testing, you will find a solution..

it can be mind boggling sometimes..

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