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Aroma Beads--How Patient Should I Be?


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I mixed up several test batches of these Monday night using 3 oz beads to 1 of FO, except WYW Fresh Linen (only used 0.5 oz FO since WYW FOs are so much stronger).

The Fresh Linen was all absorbed by the next day, but last night (Thursday) I added another ounce of beads to each of the other fragrances. Love Spell was almost all absorbed this morning, but the others are still very "wet." How long should I let them soak before adding more beads?

I have another question but I'll put it in a separate thread with the appropriate title.



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I have found, as mentioned, that different fragrance oils take different amounts of time to absorb. Yes, there are some fragrances that "dry" in a day or so. And some I have had soaking for a week or better. And some yet never seem to "dry" despite how many more beads I add! Of course, each oil from each supplier will be different. The beads that took longer to "dry" I placed on a towel after letting them soak (and stirring) for a week or better. Most of them did finally "dry" out. But some never did. Just have to test, test, test! :D HTH

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Just my two cents but I have found that citrus scents absorb fastest and high vanilla or mint tend to take the longest. I use a ratio just a bit higher on most of those.. my typical is 1oz oil to 4oz beads but the longer ones get 1oz oil to 5oz oil.

I have found the same thing...that darn vanilla can take up to two weeks for me!! lol

And I also do the 4 oz beads to 1 oz FO, and that seems to work for me.

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This makes sense--the fragrances that still haven't all absorbed are blueberry muffins, sugar cookies, and a coffee scent that probably has some vanilla also!! I had wanted to be sure they were strong, so planned to do the 3 oz beads/1 oz FO ratio, but looks like I'll need to go lower on some of the scents they wanted. Love Spell was also one that was requested and at a 3:1 ratio, it was all absorbed in less than 2 days!

Thanks so much for the help.


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Okay this is weird vanilla for me absorbs pretty quick and the fruit scent like blackberry take forever.

The warmer you can keep them the fast they absorb. I prefer to make these in the summer because I can set them out side in a shaded area and not many make it past 24 hour absorption time. A few are absorb with in hours. Now I would not want to do it if it was 118 outside.

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Right now I have the three jars that haven't yet absorbed in the front seat of my car. It's cooler today than normal, but I figure the enclosed car will still get a little warmer than the room I've had them in.

Thanks for the help.


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These were from 20 pounds I just ordered from BCN--hope theirs are "the good ones"--they're the only ones I've ever used.

We have ordered from a few different suppliers and prefer BCN - they seem to absorb quicker.

Vicky - we use Vanilla Bake, which is very heavy - maybe some vanillas are "lighter" and absorb quicker??

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We have ordered from a few different suppliers and prefer BCN - they seem to absorb quicker.

Vicky - we use Vanilla Bake, which is very heavy - maybe some vanillas are "lighter" and absorb quicker??

It like anything else some will absorb faster than other but I do not think heaviness play in to it much most fruit scent tend to be lighter ones and blackberry I use has a very light SGW but at the same time my musky scents have the same problem and they tend to be heavier FOs. One like clean cotton or floral are the fastest to absorb.

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  • 8 months later...

We use the beads from BCN. Some scents absorb in less than 24 hours, we have a few that take 2-3 weeks. We have also found that it works faster when the beads are warm, in cold weather like this we'll put the jars of soaking beads on the heat registers in the house. That really speeds things up.

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