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Natural Colorants; Do they smell?


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If I use natural colorants in my CP soap making will they scent the soap? My plan is to add as a swirl after the main batch is poured (1tsp per cup).

I want to try:

Cocoa powder







But was hoping some one that's used them before could tell me if the scent carries over to the finished soap

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Completely depends on the scent you are using. I've used just about everything as a colorant LOL

Tumeric: No doesn't have a scent, but it needs a strong FO. I used it with lemon once, and NOT a good idea, totally left a scent

Cocoa powder: Yes, leaves a scent, but very slight depending on how much you use. If you use quite a bit, yeah, it'll smell like chocolate.

Curry: I used it once and only once. All I can say is maybe it was just me, or perhaps it was because i gelled the soap, but it turned a funky color and smelled like kind of like dirty socks (and I love curry!). I've stayed away from it since.

Coffee: Again, depends. If you are using it with another FO, probably no scent anyone is going to notice, but if it's alone, it does kinda have a scent, but I use it in massive amounts in my soap.

Sage: To me, yeah. But I've only ever used my own dried sage which is REAL strong anyway.

Cucumber: I wouldn't use fresh or dried cucumber, I did that once (dried) and it made the soap go bad. Ditto with tomato, but tomato juice works really well, to me leaves a slight scent though. Any fruit or veggie in soaps (I've only ever used dried) never works out for me.

Carrot: I've only ever used carrot juice, and no, never left a scent for me but does turn the soap a REAL funky color.

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I tried out the Sage and Tumeric and doesn't seem to smell with the FO I used, but I wonder if it's blending with the FO (if the FO would smell differently without the spices added.)

Thanks for the replies with your experiences!!

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