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Freakin BOWS!!!


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OK, I know this must seem really stupid but I cannot seem to be able to tie a decent bow! :angry2: I can tie my shoes but those bows can be crazy and lopsided! I'm trying to make some using a fairly thin (1/2in.) ribbon tying it to a jar candle. They always look bad! I stopped trying the bows for a while and started just doing a double-knot and leaving a little bit of ribbon hanging. It actually doesn't look that bad but now I'm obsessed w/figuring out how to tye a good little bow!

Also, do any of you know where I could get pre-made bows on the thin elastic cord? It would be the easiest thing to do! I've seen them on lotion bottles, ect. but have no idea where to get them...

Thanks for any suggestions!

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Yes, I was looking for something similar to the 1st & last ones you sent. I was hoping for more of a variety of colors/patterns but I guess beggers can't be choosers! Thank you!!

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