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Those that sell Candles, Soap & B&B


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stores: candles, and perfume oils were always a big hit... that is before someone opened a "make your own perfume and bath salts" shop right across the street from the shop which previously carried my oils. After that they stopped selling so they stopped carrying them. major bummer.

parties: dont know!! I've never done one but I really would like to. I'm considering a big one this spring for friends and friends of friends before the craft show/farmers market season ramps up to get some new product into peoples hands and get them out there helping me promote.

shows: everything... at shows people seem alot more willing to buy a bit of everything. I havent sold my candles at shows yet (its too hot here in the summer, but I might do some in the winter if they are indoor shows) but Soap is always a great seller for me and most people pick up 2-3 bars.

adding in... online: virtually nothing yet. boo.

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I live in a small town so sales in stores are always slow. Online sales are also slow.

My best sales are at craft shows. My biggest sales being soap, candles, lotion, lip balms. In that order.

I haven't done a home show and only had a few fundraisers. I now have a seller that sells my candles for me several times a year and she does a fantastic job. Although I would love to do more fundraisers and wholesale.

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Well as some of you know I just start experimenting with lip balm, lotion and mp soap.:yay: At craft shows I sold candles and liquid soaps and I've done well just depending on the show some only want to buy soap while other only want candles. I will say a big seller for me at shows was hand sanitizers. Sold out of those everytime. I introduced those in the fall and heard a lot of people saying they were good stocking stuffers. So I don't know if I should continue in the spring and summer. Are people still using those then?

At stores I sell mostly candles.

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Sanitizers should sell well all year round I would think. When I try marketing a new product I sell it year round to see if its seasonal or area or venue specific. I actually use more sanitizer in the summer than in the winter but use it personally all year round. Maybe less in the winter cause it tends to be drying.

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