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Liquid Dye: Odor Concerns


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Okay, I’m so not used to reading this garbage on this side of the forum. Hey wait I don’t read this on the veggie side either. Yes I read both, because I make both! Horrors, I actually choose a wax for the application. Oh, and just for fun I also use bees wax, or bee spit, that makes a really nice candle!

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it stinks because it's bad for your health...

I don't get people who use soy, but then put liquid dye or especially fragrance oils (non-essential) in it... have you seen a list of what those things contain, geez...

I don't get people who use paraffin at all... benzene and all...

(sorry, it just irks me and I have to say it once in a while :sad2:)

*picks up a shield and goes into hiding*

I couldn't help but notice that you are a new member of CandleTech. ( January-2006 ) Welcome to the board. We are a fairly enlightened group ( certainly not sheltered) and the content of your post to this thread is certainly not anything that we have not heard before. The majority of us have researched this topic extensively, as we too have a genuine concern for the health and welfare of our customers.

I will say, in your defense, that it is very easy to jump on the " a la naturale' trendy bandwagon, especially if you have not researched this topic throughly and are gaging interest for your product based on a clientèle that wants to believe they are protecting their "health" by using soy based products as opposed to paraffin based on fear. In my humble opinion, it is your DUTY as a professional to acquaint yourself with the FACTS so you can educate your customers as to the truth about products that are available to them . I am sure that you would never want to intentionally mislead anyone or assist in inciting fear where it is unwarranted. I believe in the long run, your clients will have much more respect for you if you educate yourself first and dispel the myths you have mentioned.

That been said, use any product you wish to create your masterpieces and if they are good enough to stand on their own merit, it will be unnecessary to make negative comments about products that you do not use in order to promote them. I am positive that you would never want the consumer to think you have an agenda.....it could possibly make them distrust you.

Again, welcome to the board, Shindra. Ever find those cotton wicks?

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The Eco Dyes that you can get through Northstar are supposed to not smell bad and also have less harmful ingredients in them, quote from their site:

"Highly concentrated, environmentally friendly and virtually Odorless Liquid Dyes for candle making. These Eco Dyes were designed for Soy, Natural waxes and will work for paraffin waxes too. The process used to make these dyes helps to ensure that they won’t separate from the wax, ensuring complete solubility in your candle wax blend. These dyes are about 50% stronger than most standard liquid dyes. Also they are formulated with environmentally friendly ingredients. The dyes don’t contain any hazardous solvents, with no hazardous fumes and air pollutants. You can achieve sharp, bright and clean looking colors. This dye is slightly thicker than most liquid dyes which makes the dye easier to handle. The flash point is greater than 300 °F. Each size comes in an amber bottle with dropper."

Any opinions about those?

Laura :)

The first candle dyes I used were the the liquid eco dyes from Northstar. Absolutely love 'em! No smell at all. I tried a couple other liquid dyes- I got a hot pink from BC and it's okay too, no chemical smell. I got a sampler pack from Alabaster and couldn't stand the strong chemical smell! It stank up my whole workshop and I had to get rid of them. Never even opened the bottles- and the bottles were double bagged. I am pretty sensitive to chemical smells, though, so I might be the odd one out. Only thing I wish was that the eco dyes came in a better assortment of colors, and that I could get a darker color with them. Oh well!!!

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The Eco Dyes that you can get through Northstar are supposed to not smell bad and also have less harmful ingredients in them, quote from their site: ...
ooh-la-la! I'll have to check those out. However, it's in the USA isn't it? costs a ton to get something from outside Europe into Europe :/
Only thing I wish was that the eco dyes came in a better assortment of colors, and that I could get a darker color with them. Oh well!!!
dang, I'm a sucker for strong, dark colors. guess I'll have to stick to my powders...
Yeah well as a paraffin user, I can't stand soy, unless made by select individuals. Otherwise I spend the day sneezing and eyes watering. So get over it. Each to his/her own. Besides there's nothing natural about the processing to make soy wax either.
Interesting! But then again, I shouldn't be surprised, it's possible to develop allergies to just about anything... Do you know what's special about what those 'select individuals' use?

And hey, I didn't mention natural. I know they're hydrogenated and everything... I love computers and lavalamps too, both very unnatural, and a lava lamp is full of toxic waste, but at least it's in an air-tight container...

And I don't get closed minded people. You choose soy, I choose paraffin. You want to be a natural nut, good for you. I want to drink, smoke and eat Big Macs while burning FO scented paraffin candles with zinc wicks, good for me.
well said :P
Curious, why do you even come here if you dont "get" us?
there are lots of interesting and good tips that apply to both kinds of candles.
Here is an excerpt from my my daughter's notes for a biology project she is doing on soybeans.[...]

Currently 80% of all soybeans cultivated for the commercial market are genetically modified. [...]

Doesn't sound too natural to me...someone pass the Benzene please.

as I said, I didn't say 'natural'. I care that they don't pollute my air, darken my walls (painting walls is such a chore, and painters are expensive...) and make my airways feel like they've been rubbed with sandpaper.

Not that my EcoSoya is genetically modified :-D

If you think it's safe to use essential oils in your candles you might want to research it a bit better.
oh the, what were they called, 'hydrocarbons' or something, that are produced when burning? Yeah, I'm only planning on making melties.

[...] In my humble opinion, it is your DUTY as a professional to acquaint yourself with the FACTS so you can educate your customers as to the truth about products that are available to them . I am sure that you would never want to intentionally mislead anyone or assist in inciting fear where it is unwarranted. I believe in the long run, your clients will have much more respect for you if you educate yourself first and dispel the myths you have mentioned.

That been said, use any product you wish to create your masterpieces and if they are good enough to stand on their own merit, it will be unnecessary to make negative comments about products that you do not use in order to promote them. I am positive that you would never want the consumer to think you have an agenda.....it could possibly make them distrust you.

Again, welcome to the board, Shindra. Ever find those cotton wicks?

Thank you, no I haven't found them yet.

I get the bulk of my information from the Danish Environmental Ministry (there's a huge report on candles on their site) (I live in Denmark), which i consider the most valid source I have found.

Your opinions are very valid.

I AM concerned about NOT building my success on other's faliure, and my most important product advantage shall always be a smooth finish, luscious colors, and stylish interior-decoration setups. (not that I've achieved that yet, but I haven't begun selling yet either, LOTS of testing left to do.) But I admit, my second priority is to tout that they produce very little soot, a feature many people seem to be looking for, but not knowing where to find :-D

There's nothing like anger to bring out a lot of information ;) That said, I'm glad I'll be changing my name soon!

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I did a google search ( Danish Environmental Ministry on Candles ) and am not finding anything addressed other than the lead issue.

My search skills are not the best...but I am working on them. For an old toot that is having to learn how to utilize computers at an old age....I think I am doing pretty good!

Shindra could you please provide me with a link that supports your initial claims? I am interested in reading everything in the report you mentioned.

Thank you for your assistance,


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Erm, the report is in danish, you see. That's why an english google search wouldn't do you much good. Here's the direct link to the first part: http://www.mst.dk/kemi/02051800.htm

actually, it wasn't that easy finding it in danish either...

and no, I'm not gonna translate all that :P I don't even understand most of the technical mumbo-jumbo. I just get 'most candles are bad'. :P

Everybody say "rødgrød med fløde på"! hehehe.. Insider joke, sorry ;)

oh, and I don't think anyone can master internet search skills... we only become proficient in the areas we're used to searching. Like, a few days ago I tried to find some scales... went through about 30 google pages before I typed in the right words and what I needed became the second link from the top :P doh

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Just an FYI, there is a link to see that webpage in english in the lower left hand corner. easy enough...lol

True enough. Then again, clicking the English link takes you back to the home page in English. Doing a search, this article itself appears to be in danish. Though there is a 56 page doc on chemical testing of danish candles.

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