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Additives - C80

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As far as I know, Paraflint C80 is a Sasol product, and I'm not sure if it is available here in the US. I believe it has a melt point of 80° C, (which is about 175° F for our US readers). Don't really know what it would do for the wax, other than it having a pretty high melt point and being used to harden the wax??

Some of our resident experts (Alan, Top????) will probably chime in at some point.....

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I use it simply becuase we only have the basic refined paraffin wax available (not as lucky as you guys to have to many blends and varieties) and if you do not add at least some C80 and stearic acid to it, it simply collapses into mush. I have even searched the net, but info on this is very scarce. mmm, mistery ingredient....:smiley2:

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It's probably something like vybar. Does it suppress mottling and make the wax more opaque?

Edited to say: 3070001i.gif Just re-read your first post and you say it makes it more opaque and hardens the wax. I'd hazard a guess and say it's probably like vybar...... or just helps to harden the wax as it has a very high meltpoint!

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I use it at about 8% and if I do a hot pour at 175/180 it makes the candle very glossy and perfectly white if no colour is used. If I do a cold pour, I get a very rustic effect - very much like the candles shown in "techniques & ideas" on this site. If you say it is like Vybar, that makes me happy, becuase as you know, we don't have that here. It must also help with fragrance retention to a certain extent because I have used up to 8% fragrance without any bleeding.

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Has anyone ever come accross a candle additive called C80 or Paraflint C80. It is used to make candles more opaque and hardens the wax.

Any info would be appreciated!!!

It's a Fischer-Tropsch synthetic wax, made by some clever catalyzed chemical reaction between carbon monoxide and hydrogen. There are many of these substances, some of which can be used as candle additives to harden wax and raise the melting point. We usually see these sold as "Translucent Crystals" and "Clear Crystals" because in typical amounts they don't have as much impact on opacity as other hardeners.

I've used Paraflint H1 and also a type of Vestowax. I don't know how the C80 compares, but it has a lower melting point and is much softer so I guess it's a lower molecular weight. Maybe that's why you can use so much without having problems with the way the candle burns. With the others a maximum of 2% is recommended for the interior of the candle.

Do you find it works well for you as an opacifier? Normally F-T wax wouldn't be my first thought for that but maybe the C80 is different. I also wonder if you find any advantage to using it in combination with stearic. I wouldn't think you'd need both. One of the advantages it should have over stearic for white candles is that it won't yellow with light and heat and time.

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Thanks for the info Top! You must be a walking encyclopedia!!! I find with our climate I have to use C80 or something equivalent because it sometimes gets up to 40 degrees Celcius in summer and the obviously affects our candles as well. Using the C80 also gives a beautiful snow white candle if no fragrance is added. I have been a bit concerned with my burning pools, but have put it down to more wick testing that needs to be done. (I'll do a couple of tests with less C80 and see what happens...) Our wicks here are very limiting and I can only find some of the Wedo wicks with a very erratic supply, so I am waiting for more stuff from the US. Any ideas on the absolutely best wick to use for pillars with a paraffin wax?

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