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Our first candle party


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We had our first candle party here on Monday night. A woman who had bought from us at a local market a few weeks back, called and asked if we did parties. We had never done one, but as you do, said "yes of course we do", so she went ahead and booked it :)

Got there Monday night and she said she had about 8 or so people coming, so I didn't think it was going to be all that successful.

How wrong was my thinking....LOL. They all went mad and we ended up selling over $600, all paid for and taken on the night.

It looks as though we have also picked up 2 further parties from this one, but they will not be till March. We are getting a mobile machine for taking credit and debit cards and the 2 people who booked the parties want to wait till we have that as then people can spend more.....LOL

Was crazy and we are still having trouble comprehending the amounts that people were spending on candles.

Bring on more parties I say...LOL

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  • 2 weeks later...

Candle parties are wonderful. I don't know if you have a brochure or not but you may also want to consider it. This way you can send some of those and some order forms to the hostess and they can take orders from people who can't make it to the party. This will increase your sales even more.

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