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question about repour

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Ok Im using IGI6006 and a hex 9oz jar. I was having a problem with sink holes so I tried slower cooling by placing the jars in the oven. They came out good but still had a dip. So Im guessing the only way to get a smooth surface is a 2nd pour or heat gun. If Im gonna do a 2nd pour how far should I fill the first time on this jar oh and how long do I wait untill the 2nd pour an 1hr or so?

Edited by almaga
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If you are going to repour, wait until the candle has cooled. Fill the depression JUST to the point where the melted wax almost touches the sides of the container. If you have a steady hand, there will be no line to betray the second pour. I'm pretty bad at it, so I use option #2 below...

Another way to handle depressions is to remelt the top of the candle with a heat gun. That works pretty well, especially on a container like the hex.

Both methods are a PITA, so it's best to try to keep the sinkholes from forming in the first place. I don't use your wax, but others who do may have some anti-sinkhole tips for you. HTH :)

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I don't use this wax either but I agree with Stella on the repour steps. I tried hex jars years ago and had problems with sink holes (especially if I tried to pour too close to the neck) ...I would do the heat gun trick but be very careful to not burn your wick. You can also do a 2nd pour and then hit with a heatgun so you don't have a chatter line.

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I am having this problem too. I have tried adding everything from Palm to Crisco....does nothing to help the sink hole and dip. If you pour cooler it helps, but then you get jump lines. I have 4000 of these to pour, and to repour has been a PITA! Let me know if you find anything to help.

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Well like I said the oven was not that bad I orderd a good size styrafoam box from ebay for 3.00 and will try that. To be honest the dip the oven left was very small but it just takes longer. I guess you only worry about that when it comes to volume. Thanks for the suggestions.

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