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Is there a magic formula?


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I've been agonizing over doing a large show in a major city for some time.

I've been doing the smaller markets, the tables are cheap (anywhere from 20-120 for a two day show with good traffic) and I do quite well at them.

I've been temped. Tempted badly into doing a major show in the city, table fees are 400 dollars over three days (plus gas - driving three hours, 90 minutes each way, food etc).

The thing is, is that the best I've ever done at a smaller show is 900 over three days. This was several years ago though.

The traffic for this show is supposed to be phenomenal. I've tested the market so to speak by working a Winery while they had people up from that city and did very well over two days (free table too, so it was all gravy). I kept being asked if I was planning on being at any of the larger shows in the city.

Is there a magic formula that I should be using when weighing the options? For a table costing that much over three days - what should I make in order to make it worth my while?

I mean yes, I could very well meet multiple wholesale clients, which would be awesome, and the spin off income could amazing.

I just can't get past the idea of 450 dollars for a bloody table. I have to sell a LOT of soap to make that. Then there is the COGS overall, plus the driving back and forth daily.

On the other hand I've talked to one woman who owned a soap business several years ago, and she said she would easily make 3K at those larger shows.

I think I'm talking myself into this here. I've been going back and forth now for literally MONTHS about this.

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Ohhh just do it! You have nothing to lose but $450 plus some costs-worst case. In the big scheme of things is $450 going to ruin your life if you lose it?? But the possibilities for gains?? HUGE Plus it's a great time of year to get in a show.

Heck the back and forth with myself would be enough to drive me to do it....just so I could stop "back and forthing" lol At least you will know one way or the other.

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Do a show that costs you $5000...then $450 isnt that much. :P I used to crinch when a show costed $100...now it seems like nothing. If they are getting that much for a booth , it is hopefully well promoted. If you have the money and are able to loose it, then by all means go for it. Just make sure you have enough inventorry!!

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Inventory is key to large shows. Think of it like this, what is the best "little" show that you do? You will at least do that much at a large show so it is not like you will even be out the $450.00. Big shows are great for networking, maybe wholesale clients and to get your website name out there. Put out a mailing list form.

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I've been agonizing over doing a large show in a major city for some time.

Don't think of the $450 cost just for the table. It's also including the show's advertising through radio, newspaper, website,etc. & most important people traffic.

As for the cost of gas, food,etc. It's just another day of work like everyone else who drives to work, eat lunches,etc.

It's just mind over matter. I'd say do it!

Then you can decide for sure whether or not to continue next year. Remember you can claim that $450 on your tax return so it's not all 'loss'.

Good luck on your decision:)!

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I decided I should suck it up and just go. Luckily we can get cheap housing in the city so I can be with my kids for at least a while, the husband can come down and relieve me so I can get a break.

Now, I just need to make stuff like a mad woman!

Thanks for letting me vent and talk it out!

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Shows like that are great... Make sure you have huge supply... even if you dont sell them at the show , have enough for when you get back. Because you will have contacts now that saw you at the show. So hopefully you are online. Exposure is the key to a big business. Talking to the right person can bring in huge amount of money. Make sure you have signs.. that are displayed if you need " wholesale availble" , Have huge amount of cards. Make up special packets to hand out for free.. with a $5.00 coupon for an item.. ( Or something like that )Those really sell for me.. I just handed out 680 of sample packets at the vegas convention center. Cant wait to see the reponse. Those shows are something that I always seen return.. sometimes three months from when I did it. ... Have fun!

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