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Want to start making soap,,,,


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and was wondering where I could get a kit,,,I was looking @ www.southernbellesoaps.com I'm looking to try CP,,,,does anyone have another place I could look before I make my decision,,,I'm still going to buy the wood molds from southern Belle,,Any help would be appreciated,,,,I am researching right now But DH wants to buy a kit for me for Christmas,,,,,TIA,,,,:grin2:

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This kit will make 2 batches of soap, which means before long you'll have to go out and replenish the ingredients, in which case it might be simpler just to buy those ingredients yourself to start with.

You should already have a scale and some sort of blender, but you may need to buy a pair of goggles if you don't already have one. And of course I assume you have a cupboard full of FO's, LOL. So all you would really need are the oils, lye and mold.

For the oils, you could try www.soaperschoice.com, they are in your state so shipping should be reasonable.

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The link Grumpy Girl sent you is for Sunfeather's 7 pound kit. They also have several 2 pound kits for $25. Just FYI :) Brambleberry also has a kit with some molds included, but no lye or olive oil. It does include a book on soapmaking.

I started out like Grumpy Girl - just went to my local stores & bought everything I needed. I had a book on soapmaking as a guide.

Good luck & enjoy!

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You can also try http://www.crabapplesoap.com/index.html, they have a cp soap making kit that includes everything, including the lye. It also comes with an instructional videotape that shows and explains how to make cp soap. It' more expensive than the others but it contains everything you need to get started. I am thinking about getting it at the beginning of the year myself.

I hope this helps....


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You can also try http://www.crabapplesoap.com/index.html, they have a cp soap making kit that includes everything, including the lye. It also comes with an instructional videotape that shows and explains how to make cp soap. It' more expensive than the others but it contains everything you need to get started. I am thinking about getting it at the beginning of the year myself.

I hope this helps....


WOW,,They have EVERYTHING!!!! and the price is not bad,,,I think I will go for this but I still want to get the wooden molds from www.southernbellesoaps.com Im still getting a book too,,LOL. Thanks Ladies!!!!:highfive:

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Didn't I see this almost exact same thread just a couple of topics down?

I did just a quick search and came up with this.






I only had to type soap kit and tons of threads came up. Try it, you might find even more good threads.

When I wanted to start making soap and B&B products I went to the B&B section and read every single thread, and all posts in every thread. I learned a ton. I highly recomend it.

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Breanna, I have really liked doing the crockpot soap. It is really easy. I have posted a pic of some I did....and just made another batch. The recipe is really simple and its using stuff you can get at you local store. It is bunny's recipe....it just uses coconut oil, olive oil, lard, water, and lye. Check it out!!!!

HTH Angie

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