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Epsom Salt and diabetic warning?


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I was in a store recently that had bath salts for sale and I noticed on the back that there was a warning stating "This product contains Espom Salts and is not suitable for those with Diabetes." How does Espom Salt effect diabetes? Would this also be the same for other salts like sea salt?

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Hey KMommy, I was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes a year ago. I'm not on insulin but I do have to take oral medication and watch what I eat. My MD says it's very common for diabetics to have a Magnesium Sulfate deficency which can complicate retinopathy (eye problems) and heart disease. He told me it would be fine for me to use them as I don't have any other underlying medical conditions. He's actually baffled that I have diabetes as I'm not overweight, don't have a family history of diabetes and don't eat a lot of sweets. He told me that he feels a virus attacked my pancreas and it just wasn't able to support my bodies insulin needs. That being said, a lot of diabetics have other complicating medical conditions such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol and heart disease. For those people, they should consult with their physician before using Magnesium Sulfate (Epsom Salt). I hope this has helped you some.

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Sherie, that is very intersting. I am a type 1 diabetic, have been for 20 years and I use Epsom salts occasionally in a foot soak. I never thought about it being potentially hazardous. I am going to ask my dr the next I see him. Sorry about you having it too.

Kmommy thanks for bringing that up, I should rethink my directions on my bath fizzies.

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Hey KMommy, I was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes a year ago. I'm not on insulin but I do have to take oral medication and watch what I eat. My MD says it's very common for diabetics to have a Magnesium Sulfate deficency which can complicate retinopathy (eye problems) and heart disease. He told me it would be fine for me to use them as I don't have any other underlying medical conditions. He's actually baffled that I have diabetes as I'm not overweight, don't have a family history of diabetes and don't eat a lot of sweets. He told me that he feels a virus attacked my pancreas and it just wasn't able to support my bodies insulin needs. That being said, a lot of diabetics have other complicating medical conditions such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol and heart disease. For those people, they should consult with their physician before using Magnesium Sulfate (Epsom Salt). I hope this has helped you some.


I was diagnosed with type 2 Diabetes about 3 yrs ago. I was in the same boat as to the cause. Finally, it was discovered that when having my gall bladder removed the dr had missed some rather large gallstones. They stayed in my system doing extensive scarring to my pancreas. I am now prone to chronic pancreatitis.(OUCH!!!). Sorry to hi-jack the topic, but thanks so much to KMommy for bringing this up, as I use foot soaks for my sore feet ALL the time!! I will be talking to my Dr as well.

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You all are very welcome. I brought this topic up with my MD after some topics were raised about Epsom salt and diabetes. I need to ask him about Sugar scrubs as well. I will bring this up to him next week when I see him. Gosh, I'm so sorry to hear you ladies have the same disease. I completely hate it! Chemgurl, I'm so sorry to hear you have aggrevated pancreatitis. That has to be one of the most painful diseases I have come in contact with at work. Please take care and yes, check with your MD's on the use of Mag. Sulfate.

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