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Here is what I found to be the difference in the Farts!!


I used to use NG's for years,

then the monkey started to eat more pineapple last year which made the Monkey Farts a little Tart.

Myself and my MF customers even noticed the change in the Monkey's eating habits.. LOL To much pineapple..:sad2:

So I tried ICS looking for a dupe.. Found this one to be sweeter.

It has more bubblegum and banana, and is sweeter than NG's.

Both are great IMO, just depends on What type of Fart you want!!!

Test both.. They are both very good...

I personally like a sweet Fart not a Tart Fart..


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I am like Andy.Trying to come up with a new name.Some people can be so testy and one person was at a craft show when I had this scent years ago. :sad2:

I am doing a festival and the theme this year is Safari. I need some Monkey Farts too. I always told my grandkids when they farted, they tooted.:laugh2:


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OH forgot.When they were young they said "I tooted" but now when the other one does it,the sister or brother will say he or she farted. :laugh2: How they change?? Sure they learn it in School.Thank goodness it is the worst they say.:shocked2:


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I went with Monkey Business for mine - since they were sold at a bake sale - I also contemplated Just Monkeyin' around :)

I did like the review on the monkey farts and now that she has said that - she is right - our last Monkey Farts scent we got is more sweet- but im not sure where that one originated from since I got it off Ebay -


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I like Monkeyin Around.A radio station is putting this on and I am sure they will be announcing things off and on during the day . They could say we are down here at the Festival just Monkeyin Around. Come join us.


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Yep... I really think NG's formula changed as of last year, that is why I switched suppliers.

NG's used to have a strong banana note and hints of bubblegum.

You said you are detecting grapefruit notes, and I detected strong pineapple notes.:shocked2: What kind of Monkey eats only Pineapple and grapefruit!!! LOL

Gotta have banana in a Monkey Fart!!

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