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I can't get JS Chest.& Brown Sug. & Cinn. Toast to throw?

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I have read so many wonderful comments concerning JS Chestnuts and Brown Sugar but I can't get it to produce any sort of a throw for me in soy. I have tested at least 6 candles so far with different wick sizes and FO load from 5% - 7 % . I am using CD wicks. Same results for JS Cinnamon Toast. It's not a case of candle nose because no one else can smell anything from these candles even after they have been burning for several hours. Normally most of my FO's produce a strong throw between the 5% - 7% FO range. I have one last test candle to try that I made using a cotton wick. I thought that maybe these two FO's needed a hotter burning wick. I just can't figure this one out because all the reviews I read were outstanding but the comments didn't state what type of wax was used. Has anyone had any problems with these two FO's in soy?

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