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Packaging candles

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When I first started making soy candles I would cut the wick a little more than 1/4".

However, after the candles would set for several months the soy would expand. Ok.....funny way to explanin this maybe:rolleyes2

The wick would get buried by the soy. Now I trim my wicks to 1/2" or so.

Does anyone else experience this? Is it just my soy/where I live at or maybe the way I make my candles?

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However, after the candles would set for several months the soy would expand. Ok.....funny way to explanin this maybe:rolleyes2

The wick would get buried by the soy.

The crystal structure is changing in your candles during storage and the new phase takes up more space than the original. This issue is a type of frosting because it relates to the polymorphism of soy wax. Not all soy candles exhibit this issue. If you take measures to control frosting, this will not occur, or at least to this extent. It's also VERY important to understand that soy wax is very sensitive to temperature - when pouring and during storage. Keeping the candles consistently cool while stored is extremely important if you don't want changes in the wax structure. Be grateful that it simply expands and does not go on to form the "cauliflower" crystal phase - looks like BRAINS eating the wick! :shocked2: I've had that happen on a couple of occasions and it really looks scary! Somewhere in the threads here, there is a photo of someone's candle that formed a giant bubble under the wick... soy wax can do very...ummmm.... INTERESTING things sometimes! :shocked2::laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:

If your candles do this all the time and you don't want to change any of your procedures or ingredients, try to move them more quickly. Soy candles are best served fresh. :)

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Stella1952....Thanks for the information.

What addatives should I try for the frosting that might help with the expanding soy? Oh, I did have the weird looking "cauliflower" when I used C3. I got the worst looking candle after it was in a candle warmer then cooled off. I changed brands after that. It was several years ago, maybe C3 formula has changed. I did like C3....but have alot of customers who use warmers. I think I might have to go back and do some testing on C3 with an addative. The cold and hot throw was really good.

I always enjoy reading your replies.:smiley2: You and many more on this board know so much about candles. I have learned so much from everyone on this board! I am amazed at how much information everone knows and shares.

Sure wish I had found CraftServer a long time ago. :yay: :yay:

EDIT - Stella...I just read your post to someone else on your addatives USA & UV.

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Von, I use C3 with USA and UV additives and 1 oz. FO pp. I melt and temper the wax, bring the temp back up to 185°F, add FO at 180°F and pour at 165°F. I have not had any problem with it cauliflowering in a candle warmer, but it certainly could occur under certain conditions. The only time this has happened to our candles is when a case of candles was stored in one of my customer's places and they set a big ol' hot pot of chili to cool on top of the case of candles! I know - only an idiot would do this... but there's one born every minute and none of 'em ever die! :rolleyes2 Only the 4 candles directly under the pot cauliflowered, but MAN! they looked BRAINY!!! I nearly had kittens when I opened one up and saw it! :shocked2: We have seen a couple that "grew" as previously described when stored at a relatively high temp for a long time (months). When the candles are stored and kept relatively cool (under 78°F), we have had no problems.

It should be noted that certain FOs tend to have more issues with frosting, cauliflowering, growing, etc. than others - I don't know what's in them that causes the problem, but fortunately only a few of the FOs we use have this tendency.

One cauliflower incident is not sufficient reason for me to change waxes! When stuff like that doesn't happen often, there's always a unique reason and we were able to pin down what caused the issue. HTH :)

PS. After rereading, I misunderstood about the candle warmer - I was thinking tart warmer. Sorry 'bout that.

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The crystal structure is changing in your candles during storage and the new phase takes up more space than the original. This issue is a type of frosting because it relates to the polymorphism of soy wax. Not all soy candles exhibit this issue. If you take measures to control frosting, this will not occur, or at least to this extent. It's also VERY important to understand that soy wax is very sensitive to temperature - when pouring and during storage. Keeping the candles consistently cool while stored is extremely important if you don't want changes in the wax structure. Be grateful that it simply expands and does not go on to form the "cauliflower" crystal phase - looks like BRAINS eating the wick! :shocked2: I've had that happen on a couple of occasions and it really looks scary! Somewhere in the threads here, there is a photo of someone's candle that formed a giant bubble under the wick... soy wax can do very...ummmm.... INTERESTING things sometimes! :shocked2::laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:

If your candles do this all the time and you don't want to change any of your procedures or ingredients, try to move them more quickly. Soy candles are best served fresh. :)

I looked in my melter the next day and was horrified at the brains that had invaded it, scary stuff!!!

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