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I read where USPS will be closing over 700 locations. I read it a couple days ago but today it listed those they will be closing.It is on my Yahoo home page where I saw it.Then I clicked on the PDF file they had.

I am lucky.The small town PO only about 1 1/2 miles from me isn't on there but doesnt mean it will stay open.I only think it is staying opened because the only PO in that town. None near me but alot in Dayton, Columbus and Cincinnati. I imagine they have quite a few in those big towns and narrowed down. Of course all will be affected. Those who ship will be going to Pick Up for their packages.I would have to drive 8-10 miles to the nearest 2 PO. I would go that route before I would drive that far.


If anyone is interested I would go to PDF file for list of PO closing. (USPS). You should be able to get the list.

I see a price increase coming.:(

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Dee, Thank You for posting the link.I wasn't sure how to do that.

A total of almost 750 from what I read. Said people always were complaining about price hikes and now some will have to go elsewhere.


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The location I have my PO box is on the list. However, it is the general facility so they are not closing but they're looking at closing the retail center and the boxes and consolidating that with the next closest location; about 10 minutes away.

We received notification about it a couple of weeks ago. Right now they are just "thinking" about it. In about a week or so there will be a community discussion about it. Our comments are welcome! :rolleyes2

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Talked to a lady that lives about a block from the PO I use.She said on Tues the Postmaster left a note saying he had a emergency Meeting in Dayton.I am sure discussing the closings.Anyway now the talk is they might only be open 3 days a week. Hope the same 3 days.This will be different.


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