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Playing with J223/464 blend

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I decided to try mixing some 464 into my J223. I started at 15%. I want to keep it mostly paraffin but was hoping to help improve the appearance a bit (creamier look, hopefully wet spots) and help cut down sooting. I poured a tester with Amish harvest in 8 oz apothecary with zinc wicks. Looks really nice (a few wet spots but nothing like the 223 alone) and burned extremely well. So far not a bit of soot! I poured another one with cd wicks just to compare the scent throw, but looking at the burn with the zincs, the cds will have to do a lot to impress me!!

Anyone else work with a mix of J223 and 464?


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I blend 4630 with 464...about a 60/40 ratio ParaSoy and I use zinc wicks...I tried other wicks but went back to zinc because I got a more even burn and little to no soot and just as much schroomage as the other wicks, very few if any wet spots and a nice creamy candle with great HT & CT.

Its so odd how random the results are for each person. :smiley2:

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I mix 464 and a AccuPar #22 which, according to the manufacturer, is very similar to J223. I mix at 50/50, and use zincs in 10oz apoth. jars with pretty nice results! HT/CT is great at 6% FO load, and since the 464 has a lower MP than the 415, it's a little easier to single-wick. I get shrooms, but ZERO sooting, even on powerburns. Just gotta be religious about the wick trimming. I tried CDs and HTPs, but both gave me terrible soot, so I went back to zincs and haven't looked back! :yay:



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I poured two testers of 85/15 J-223/446, one with 1 teaspoon coconut oil per 8 oz with 8% fo load and a zinc. Wowzer, what a kick butt candle! No wet spots and none have developed so far (a little separation on the very bottom). The other tester had separation all around the container. Hopefully, I can repeat the same results on the next testers.

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I poured two testers of 85/15 J-223/446, one with 1 teaspoon coconut oil per 8 oz with 8% fo load and a zinc. Wowzer, what a kick butt candle! No wet spots and none have developed so far (a little separation on the very bottom). The other tester had separation all around the container. Hopefully, I can repeat the same results on the next testers.

Interesting...how long ago did you pour them. Did you test for scent throw yet?

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I poured two testers of 85/15 J-223/446, one with 1 teaspoon coconut oil per 8 oz with 8% fo load and a zinc. Wowzer, what a kick butt candle! No wet spots and none have developed so far (a little separation on the very bottom). The other tester had separation all around the container. Hopefully, I can repeat the same results on the next testers.

Was there a noticible difference in ST with the one with CO?

I have been wanting to try that sooo bad but havent had the time.. I am very curious.. I love the that combination for a blend.. I just wish I could elimate having to heat my jars to get great adhesion..


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Yes I did warm my jars before pouring at 190 degrees and I also covered the jars in a closed box to slowly cool. The candle has since lost its adhesion after several test burns but still maintains a great hot throw. I used a heavy creme brulee fo at 8% in a 12 oz salsa jar and a 62z wick. It is a very clean burn and the jar does not over heat. There is initial sooting and high flame when first lit but this settled down quickly and has produced minimal mushrooming. The CO definitely makes a difference in the strength of the ht IMHO. I think it helps the candle to maintain integrity in the area of adhesion but this is still early testing stage. I plan on tweaking the 464 amount to see if I can get better results.


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