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Tall Wick Necks

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I used a CD 12 to wick an 8 oz. tin. Wax was GB 464. Did my test burns and I'm thinking I might have had a successful candle but was wondering...is it normal with the longer wick necks to have about a 1/3 inch of wax left on the bottom of your container? Container sides only had a light film left. Tin was warm to the touch but not hot (could easily pick it up without burning my fingers). I know the longer wick necks are a safety feature. I'm afraid if I wick up to a CD 14 the tin would become too hot.

Just wanting to know if I can celebrate my first success or is it back to the drawing boards.



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The wick should self extinguish when the wax level goes below the top of the neck. It's a great safety feature to help enforce the "stop burning candle when only 1/2" remains" warning.

As for your test, sounds good to me. How was the hot throw?

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Stella, hot throw not too great-on the mild side. Cold throw was very good. Used 1.4 oz/pound of Candlescience Sage Pomegrante, let cure for 5 days. Other glass containers that cured for 7 days still seem to be on the mild side not a knock your sock off aroma-cold throw very good. I just thought this was one fragrance that wasn't going to be overly strong or maybe not a good one for my GB 464. What do you think? Instead of 1.4 oz. should I cut back on it? I know from baking that sometimes less is the way to go.

Thanks for your input.


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I use CDNs on containers this size, different wax, though... a CDN14 is what I use for the 3" widemouth canning jars and a CDN 10 for 6 oz. deep tins. Dunno the inside diameter of your tin, but it wouldn't hurt to test a CD14 just for grins. ;)

If you have a tried-and-true FO that you KNOW will knock one's proverbial socks off, make a tester with that with all other parameters kept the same and see if the 12 will give you the hot throw you are accustomed to getting. :)

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Throwing some of the leftover wax into a warmer is a good way to see if the throw is the same or not... Just remember that each wax has it's limit of oil that it will carry and the amount of oil in the candle does affect wicking... ;) Your instinct about cutting back on the oil slightly might be a good one; adding more might work too. The idea is to get the right balance. :)

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Stella...I put some of the left over wax in a warmer and the HT was much better. (A great tip by the way..thanks you guys). So I guess it must be the wick size. So...do I wick up to a CD 14 or down to a CD 10? My tin is 3" diameter and 2" deep. I don't use dye or any other additives-just the 464. The CD 12 left very little on the sides and the tin was touchable warm. Gee, now I'm confused again.

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I would pour at least 1 of each (CD 10 and CD 14) and see which one does a better ht and still meets your safety standards. That is what I would do to start. I always get confused on wicking up or down so I normally pour one of each and see what is better.

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Thanks Rebeccajo...frustrating isn't..not knowing which way to go. Will pour those two tomorrow and hopefully in a couple of days I'll have something happy to report. Such a fine line this candle thing. :D HT has been the hardest thing for me to achieve.

Have a great weekend.

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Well...still a no go as far as HT goes :angry2: Poured my GB 464 with the CS Sage-Pomegrante FO 1.3 oz/pound (decided to drop the amount a tad) and still nothing! I realize I've only let them cure 2 1/2 days but I should have something. I hardly have a wiff and that's only if I'm standing over the tin. Used CD 14's in my 8 oz tin..no dyes and no other additives. Just for kicks I also tried some C-3 I had on hand and if I'm looking for some sort of bright spot..I got nothing there too. Is it just possible this FO is not going to work for me? I know others have posted it worked great for them...however...I can't seem to get the same results. Thought about doing some tins with another CS FO - Macintosh Apple and see if that works.

So far the CD14 seems to be okay but still too soon to tell for sure. Only did one test burn so far. Wish I had a known FO that has really thrown for me but being new..I haven't narrowed that down yet..that delicate balance between wick, wax and FO.

I have some CO..do you think adding 1 tsp/lb would help? Don't have USA. I also have coming to me this week a sample pack of CDN wicks. If I could just get a decent HT I would be less discouraged.

Any suggestions? I really wanted to stay with all soy and not add parafin.



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Boy, I don't know what to tell ya. I use that FO in C3 and it kicks butt. I use ECO wicks. Have you asked someone else's opinion? Maybe you have candlenose? Maybe your meltpool is still too small? Not sure...

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Deb...my tin is 3 1/8" dia and 2" tall. What do you think about CO? I've been reading and some think it helps. Guess I could try..couldn't hurt I suppose. I currently heat my 464 to 185, add FO, pour at 135. The C-3 I heated to 185, added FO and poured at 165. My tops on both waxes looked great...nice and smooth.

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I've never used CO but I hear it helps scent throw. When I wicked the S&P in C3 in an 8 oz j.j. (2 1/4 inches in diameter), I found it to be a lighter oil to wick. I used an Eco 8. I can't remember what I used in my 4 ounce tin but I will check when I get home. I would assume an Eco 6 for the tin since I usually wick down one. I doubt whether the Eco 10 will be enough but the Eco 14 would probably too much. (Isn't that always the way..you need what you don't have). I can send you a couple of Eco 12's if you want to try them. Just PM me your addy. In the meantime, I'd pour one wickless and stick an Eco 10 in there to see what happens. If no good, I'd top that sucker off and stick in the Eco 14. What do you have to lose?

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Deb..thank you for your kind offer. I actually had just ordered a sample pack of the Eco 12's from Candlescience...I had a hunch it would take the 12's...besides, it gave me an excuse to order a couple new FO's. Should have them on Wednesday. Here's hoping they work. When I get them I'll give it a shot and let you know how they work out. I'm going to hold off on the CO until after this last ditch test.

Thanks for all your help. Hope next time I'll be screaming yipee!


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