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Asking for soy recommendations for mixing

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Hi all! Just wondering what soy would be a good choice for mixing with my J223. I would probably mix no more than 20% soy in. I am looking to improve the look of the candle (better finish...less wet spots if at all possible), help minimize sooting (although I don't get much right now unless I power burn), and to help in oil retention. I would also love to get the soy to hel give me flatter tops with one pour if possible (in two of my jars I get dips).

I am lucky enough to have quite a few options available to me locally, so I was looking for a bit of advice. Here's what I can get:






Pure Soy


I think from reading old posts I would probably immediately eliminate 415 and pure soy. I think I am leaning toward CB-135 (no repour?), 444 or 464 (10% fo load?), or CB ADvanced (nice finished look).

Any ideas? THANKS!!!!


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I've tried GW444 and the GW464. Both have excellent throw with almost every scent I have tried. I'm still experimenting with it, but I really like it. I like the look of the GW464 a little better though. Very nice and creamy. I've never had to repour the GW waxes. I think if you are only mixing 20%, this won't be an issue. I've never mixed them with J223, so I'm not sure how they will react with your wax. Some suppliers offer samples by the pound so you don'y have to try 10 pounds at once.


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