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How to find good help


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Hi there,

I've had a help for packing and for some pouring of my candles. It was a catastrophe. She was slow, messy, didn't check the packing lists, made every possible mistake.

How can I find someone reliable? How did you?

Thanks for any recs.

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I hired my daughter in law....sorry I know that was no help to you but that's the only help I could trust. My DH and I have two employees and they are both family.

You might have luck with a high school kid....try them during the summer break. A lot of girls are more than willing to learn things that they "like" and you could do some bartering with her to pay part of her salary in your products. Be careful on women who are way too eager to work for you cause they will probably just steal all your supplier info and leave you once you've taught them all you know. Good luck!!

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I've never had to hire someone.Do it myself or husband helps me BUT he isn't real thorough and I have to go over things.I don't like him to do anything without me there.

I am sure you went over everything with her and made sure you said check the list over and over.For slow maybe she needs to get the hang of it since her first time.If it was????

I am not sure I would trust anyone but if I got big would have to. I have had some be jealous.They think if I am doing good at craft shows I am making a killing but they have no idea the time and cost.Also if I get a big order they act put back.Those are the ones I wouldn't trust.

I did have one person say "you have to show me how to make candles".Then they said not to sell but just for me.Hey My candles are reasonable why not buy them.I sure won't teach her. :shocked2:



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Thank you all, that's some good advice. Here in Europe there aren't too many candlemakers, at least not too many in business. But I'm aware of the danger of hiring somebody who is eager to teal my "candle secrets".

With the girl - I told her over and over again, but it just didnÄt make any sense anymore.

Sure, I'd rather make them myself, but somehow there never seems to be enough time for familiy, making, packing and selling candles, writing invoices, answering emails, then I have another business for hard-to-find cosmetic ingredients, for which I have to find new products, talkinn to manufacturers, testing all that stuff....pfff! And to be honest: after this long winter I need to go outside in my garden and work something there as well - no, I WANT to go outside and care for my roses. This is where I can relax

So, this is why I thought somebody who could help me with minor things like packing parcels or cleaning up jars and equipment etc., maybe making some votives and clamshells would be a bit of a relief for me.

I guess there will be no other choice but to re-organize things again in order to be even more efficient with my work and time.

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Do you live near a military post? I know from experience that military wives have a hard time finding jobs. They are pretty limited to working on post and those jobs aren't too easy to come by. It took me a year and a half to find a good job when we were stationed there.

You seem to be fluent in English which is great for employing an American military spouse. Just a thought.

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I put up ONE notice in a senior center. I have found that older people are always on time and are not lazy. They also do not demand top pay. They just want something to do. (Yeah, I am biased.) It is not exactly butt breaking work either. LOL!

Anyway, I screened applicants like you would at any job. I hired the perkiest little lady and she has been with me for years. Because of her I can actually sit here and respond to this topic- because I have some time. :D

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Hello again,

no military base here - but an excellent idea!

I guess I will try some of your ideas and put up some notices at certain places. Also, there are so many moms here - there must be some honest, diligent people out there. Otherwise I cannot believe that everybody suffers from our economy. Okay, they won't get rich here with me, but at least some bugs more in their purse.

Thanks for motivating me to go ahead!

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Hiring a mom is a great idea. Just keep in mind that she may not be as flexible as you would like because she has children at home.

Like I have - flexibility is no requirement with me. I know what it means to be a mom.:smiley2:

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