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Candlemakers - a ?

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First off I want to say that it is not my intent to step on any toes. I love you all! I need some help and I don't know a better place to go for it. :)

Many of you know that I am involved with the organization of the TN meets. Even though this year's hasn't happened yet, 2010's is already being thought about. The original intent was to include both soap and candle makers because they entwine at so many points. To do that, there needs to be demos, or the like, in both areas.

Several candlemakers have been approached to demo but all have declined, the most often given statement being about not wanting to share what they've worked so hard to get. I admit that I am strictly a soapmaker & know nothing about making candles. But am I wrong in assuming that the basics of candle making are just that - basic? Have I just not asked the 'right' people? Is there some other aspects of candle making that could be addressed that wouldn't be 'secrets' and would be a learning session for yall?

I'd appreciate your input on this matter because I am stumped.

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A basic demo for soapers unfamiliar with candlemaking would probably get a volunteer. But seasoned candle makers would need something beyond the basics to attract them to a conference if that's what you're after. And many who own candle businesses have invested so much time and money into their product development that they would protect their methods as a trade secret.

May I recommend another approach? How about contacting suppliers in the area? As a candlemaker I'm always looking for new scents, or jars, or packaging ideas. Tarts are fun - how about a demo on making your own silicone molds from the silicone manufacturer. Although I'm doing straight scented candles, I would love to see someone do some candle carving like the photos on the IGCA website.

With that being said, I do hope you find someone who can help!

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I know another convention that had a representative from a wick manufacturer do a very indepth, multi day demo on the proper wick testing process, explaining how he decided on the proper wick for the test candles provided by convention participants (ie: they brought their :problem child" container/wax/FO combos that they were having issues wicking). It was very informative.

You may also do a basic "technique" demo like bakery candles with gel topping or some different things that can be done with embeds, whipped wax, etc. That way they aren't giving up tried & true "recipes" (ie, what wax or additives, how much of each, etc) that are solely theirs based on long term testing. Instead they are showing concepts that others can use to spark new ideas. In that way they can say I use wax "X" if they want to BUT also say "I am sure it can be adapted to be used with what ever wax others are using". Just a thought.

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If I did not live so far away I would do some demos for you. There are a lot of demos that could be done with out messing with their hard work. So I do not understand their problem about not willing to share a bit. They all got help at one time or another.

It a good idea to approach a supplier about this they are more willing to give a demo on candle making because honestly that is their bread and butter they want more candle makers it is more business for them.

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I love these ideas! Birdie, I'm one of the chandlers who came last year and I would particularly love a bakery candle demo. I've been thinking of trying them for quite a while and would love to see someone's actual technique. I thought the guys from Alabaster did a great job last year. If you want someone different, wonder if someone from Tennessee Candle Supply might be interested in doing a demo? I don't know how far they are from Franklin, but they're probably close than Alabaster.

I can't come this year, but would love to plan on it again next year--even though I'm not a soaper, I did have a great time!


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Just another thought. Packaging is always an issue too, whether you are making B&B or wax products. If you did a demo on creative ways to package items it would help to spark some ideas too. Maybe cover the basics of shrinkwrapping, gift basket design, etc

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This is great! Thank you all so much! :yay: I guess there is more to the actual learning of candle making than I thought. These suggestions will help tremendously in planning for 2010.

Jane, I do remember you and wish I had had more time to spend getting to know you. I'm sorry you can't be there this year but hope you get to come again. Mike & Todd from Alabaster were the greatest, weren't they, Jane?! I enjoyed there demos along with their antics. I asked them back this year but the economics of the time...sigh...has effected them. They are staying close to home as are alot of people.

If yall haven't before, support them & purchase from Alabaster. They are top-notch and I would sure hate to lose them!

As for Tennessee Candle, surprisingly enough we have never gotten any response from them about anything in any year. I am not sure why.

VIckie, we'd love to have you one year. Just say the word! :smiley2:

...I do not understand their problem about not willing to share a bit. They all got help at one time or another.

This was my initial thought. I would never, ever ask anyone to share trade secrets, not candlemakers or soapmakers.

But, Judy,

May I recommend another approach? How about contacting suppliers in the area? As a candlemaker I'm always looking for new scents, or jars, or packaging ideas. Tarts are fun - how about a demo on making your own silicone molds from the silicone manufacturer. Although I'm doing straight scented candles, I would love to see someone do some candle carving like the photos on the IGCA website.

This is an excellent idea and I will most definately consider it in planning our next get-together.

Thanks again and I will keep an eye on this thread for a while just in case anyone would like to add their :2cents: .

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I'm totally ignorant of your meeting. I live in central Alabama and would be more than happy to attend a seminar. Please supply info. I make both candles and soap.

:yay::yay::yay: Send Chuck the link!

Just wanted to add that another (small, local) craft guild has been having problems getting people to travel so their home-town florist has agreed to do a Gift Basket Wrapping demo. The advertising edtor from the newspaper is doing a seminar on advertising layout and design for 8 1/2 X 11 fliers. And the high school wood shop teacher is giving out plans and demonstrating how to build a simple step display. They got their contacts through the Chamber of Commerce.

But for candlemakers - yeah, I forgot about bakery! Thats what happens when you only do containers .....

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You can do the bakery in containers too! I did a bunch of "pie in a jar" candles last year for the holidays to use up some square masons that I had. An example is for Hot Apple Pie I poured it in red scented wax filling 2/3 to 3/4 of the jar, then did a thin layer of wax crumbles with pie crust FO, whipped some vanilla bean scented wax and used that to top/hold in the crumbles and stuck some apple embeds in the top. Cute as can be! I also did similar jars in Cherry Cobbler, Blueberry Pie, Pumpkin Pie (w/nut embeds), and Banana Cream Pie. Sold like crazy as gifts for teachers/work grabs. I actually had learned to do these as a demo at a convention too. :yay:

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Oh, Birdie, you're getting lots of great ideas here--so glad you came and asked!!

I'd love a demo on the pie in a jar candles--including the actual making of the crumble topping. Also packaging and gift basket arrangement sound great, too. I love to make gift baskets but always feel they lack something in the arrangement--I do make pretty bows for them, though!!!

I'm already looking forward to next year's! By the way, somehow I missed everything and didn't even see anything about this year's until too close to the date when I already had something else scheduled. Will you add me to your contact list for next year? Thanks.


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I'm totally ignorant of your meeting. I live in central Alabama and would be more than happy to attend a seminar. Please supply info. I make both candles and soap.

I'm with Chuck.....I have no idea what you guys are talking about but I would love to know the specifics....what, when, where???? Please let us know, I would love to attend.


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