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quick question

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I do separate each and every order. The sellers come to me to pick their orders up. It usually works out with the boxes, some how. I can leave the sides up and tape them so it makes a taller box, with no lid. That way I can stack the candles 2 high. Some boxes aren't full though....but i just never seem to run out. In the end it all works out!

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I pack each seller's orders seperately. I use boxes for the sellers with lots of candles and then some sellers who only sell a few items get theirs placed in bags. I label each box/bag with the sellers name and the amount of boxes/bags they have.

Ex: Jon Doe 1 of 3

Some sellers I have to use maybe 2 jj boxes and 1 plastic bag, etc.

I used to just deliver them and let the orginization sort them. Last year I started offering this and actually landed a few fundraisers over others because of offering that service. It's very frustrating for the orginization to sort everything and since I have to go through everything anyways to be sure it's all there, it's really not that hard for me to just sort and label them for them. I put each seller's order forms into their box/bag 1 of 1.

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