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idiot votive question


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I am burning a votive in what looks like a decent votive glass. It's from wal mart, and has pretty thick sides. Anyway, the glass is extremely hot, and I blew it out cause I was a little nervous. Is this normal? I have another votive glass that is too small, I had to blow out the candle before wax ran over the edges. Next time I burned it, it went fine, and the sides of the glass were just warm. Anyway, the taller glass is very very hot to the touch, do you all think it might shatter? Or am I just being a weenie? Thanks... :confused:

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The ideal votive glass is pretty narrow and tight, so it's bound to get a little hot. Just be careful not to wick your candle like a torch.

The problem I have with the narrow straight-sided glasses is that they're tight enough to break off the rim of the votive when you put it in. All those wax shards around the wick tend to put a damper on the flame at first. The trick is to use a large enough wick to blast through that part without drowning out, but still not have too big of a flame for the rest of the burn. If I knew that people would never use a glass like that I'd probably wick down a notch.

Like everything else in candlemaking, there's seldom a perfect solution. You just have to make reasonable decisions.

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The problem I have with the narrow straight-sided glasses is that they're tight enough to break off the rim of the votive when you put it in.

Like everything else in candlemaking, there's seldom a perfect solution. You just have to make reasonable decisions.

*Nodding head vigorously in agreement*. I HATE having a piece of the top of the votive break off when I put it in the narrow, straight sided holders! But I have 4 cases of these glasses and I give them for free in any package where someone purchased a votive (because we KNOW that customers will burn votives in stupid things, or just sit them on a plate:shocked2: )

I don't know if it's the norm, but mine do get hot, and I'm careful to place them on something so they won't hurt whatever surface they sit on. The fluted votive holders don't get that hot, but they take a little longer to get a full melt pool and good scent throw going.


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If it's the 57 cent votive holder from Walmart, I use a ton of those and have never had a problem with cracking. I like them because they fit my votives perfectly and they are thick glass. I've even dropped one on the kitchen floor and it didn't break! They do get hot but not any hotter than any other glass votive holder I have used.

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I'm burning 6 candles right now, and when the flame looks a little long, I blow it out and trim. Not sure this is the way to do it, but it makes me feel better. Now I just have to find a place where the a/c and heater won't blow the flames around. What's a power burn? Is that like an all day, burn it until it's gone kinda thing?

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I have had many votive holders crack on me....they didn't leak any wax, but they did crack. Oddly, it was the thicker ones that did this.

Me too. I had one burning, and heard it crack. It was a hairline on the inside of the glass. You couldn't feel it on either side. It was a real heavy thick glass too.

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(because we KNOW that customers will burn votives in stupid things, or just sit them on a plate:shocked2: )


Now I'm nodding my head vigorously. PPl do dumb things, I make votives right in the glass...now they have a glass, and a votive.

It makes me nervous to think that ppl do these things, but they do. I am really trying to push 'safety' into their heads.

...and tea-lights...what is up with that! They buy them and just sit them on the table and burn them! YIKES! Then they ask me if they should put it on a plate or something...YA THINK! I am afraid to ask them what they think tea-lights are for. I set them up in various glassware in hopes of starting some kind of a new trend!

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