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Hey everyone.. I whipped this up in Photoshop the other night and wanted to get opinions.

I'm not dead set, more or less just messing around for now to get a feel.

What ya' all think? :smiley2: Honest opinions and/or suggestions please, like I said, just experimenting.. Thanks!!

ETA: Sorry, I mean label, not logo.. lol.. the logo would be just the name and the butterfly.



Hey there, I actually like it. Very simple and looks quite classy. Not something that my other half would like as she is more into the country and prim look, but that label would attract me to the product.



I like the idea of a butterfly, but honestly, it looks like a moth to me. Maybe a different butterfly with a view from the back so you can see the wings spread out and maybe some color and the head on top....Just a thought.

Nice label though. Crisp looking.



Thanks so much for your input guys!

Yeah you know after looking at it a while I kinda thought it looked like a moth too, lol! I have a few other brushes I can try out that are more butterfly-ish.

I will play around some more and see what comes up.. I'm going for simple ya know?

As far as working in Photoshop.. if you search on google "photoshop tutorials" they have a ton of information and tutorials available.. That's where I learned to do that, and they have sites you can download free brushes from.. and most of the time they don't mind you using them for commercial products as long as you give credit where it's due.... some require a small fee, or purchasing of a licence from them, others wont allow it at all.

But they do make it look so easy.. this actually took me like 3 hours to do.. I have no experience in photoshop.. :embarasse

Keep the suggestions coming! I'm all ears!


You've got a lot of fonts going on, but overall the artwork looks balanced. Something you might want to consider--just to see how it looks, is turning the moth/butterfly so that it's facing the scent name, not away from it. The way it is now, I think it automatically draws your eyes to the weight of the candle.


That is gorgeous. I have the same thoughts as the others on the butterfly. Other than that, it's outstanding. I don't mind the different fonts, I like it like it is.

Great job. Wish I had the patience to learn that.


Candybee - good suggestion on the Font size. I did fudge around with that for a bit to try to get it to fit, but I'm sure I can probably go up a few more sizes without it being too large.

SockMonkey - great suggestion there too with the direction of the butterfly.. I have one brush that I think will fit much better than the one on there, and it faces more of an upper left direction, with his back to us... And with the different fonts too.. i have i thought about that as well, and would like to stick with just one or two.. I do like the idea of the name being two fonts, then the rest of it should probably be just one. I will work with that as well.

I'm going to take all these suggestions and mess around with it a bit more tonight or tomorrow and post again for more opinions...

You guys are great! :)

That is gorgeous. I have the same thoughts as the others on the butterfly. Other than that, it's outstanding. I don't mind the different fonts, I like it like it is.

Great job. Wish I had the patience to learn that.

Thanks Ring of Fire! Well I think if I can learn Photoshop, anyone can.. lmao.. I have a short attention span and not much patience haha!! But making candles has taught me a lot of patience I have to say!!! Lol..

Thanks again! You all have great feedback!!


I love the black, and the placement of the text and picture. However, IMO the butterfly looks dead, like it's just laying there. I agree that it should be changed to a different one. Also, I think the weight at the bottom should be in the same font as the 'soy wax candle' part. Other than those two things, I like it.

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