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Scared to Start

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Hello everyone. This is my very first post and I'm both excited and scared at the same time. I have never made a candle in my life but this weekend should be my first try. I've been doing research for about two months, reading everythng I can online and watching videos while I decided on what to order and waited for my shipment to get to my island in the Caribbean.

At first, I thought it was going to be easy, but after finding this site and reading everyone's detailed comments, I have concluded that candle making is an both an art and a science. Oh my goodness! I have a few questions and I wonder if anyone might have a moment to guide me a bit. I really like the kindness and respect everyone shows for each other on this site. It is really welcoming. Thanks in advance for any help received.

Question - It sounds as though everyone has a 1000 page notebook with detailed notes on their "test burns". What should I be recording in my little notebook and what are the steps to an effective testburn.

Thanks everyone. You're my new Candle family!!!!

Candle Details:

Type: Starburst Palm from Peak

Mold: Votive

FO: SOS and NG

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Welcome! :yay:

Keeping good notes is important. I made a pillar a few months ago and was pretty happy with the outcome, so I ordered all the supplies, went to pour another pillar last weekend and could not find my notes anywhere!! So I am back to searching the boards and asking questions - very frustrating!

We have a binder that all of our test information is USUALLY stored in. It lists all the testing we have done since we started three years ago; type of wax, amount of fragrance and the supplier, if coloring the wax, how much color was added, what temperature we did our first and second pour at, what wicks were used, etc.

Good luck with your votives! Have FUN!

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Welcome to candlemaking. I was scared to start also. I read everything I could (and still do). Finally I bought a kit...made 3 candles from that. I was hooked.

I had the thinking that all you had to do was put a wick in a container, melt wax, add fragrance oil, and pour.

Little did I know:smiley2:

That was almost 3 years ago. I have learned alot since then.

Keeping notes can not be stressed enough. I wasn't very good at this part in the beginning. I soon learned the importance of it. When you start mixing scents and colors together...you will learn to keep notes.

Have fun. Post your pictures and questions. We were all new at one time. I haven't found anybody on this board to say anything hurtful. Everybody is here to learn and help others learn.

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Vicky, thank you so much for the information. I finally got to pour my first set of votives and they came out really pretty. Originally I was scared to start candle making, but now I'm afraid I won't be able to stop! Thanks for the help.

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Hi there - you will garner great respect just by the fact that you have done research BEFORE delving into pouring - this board is a great resource! I hope you have great fun learning about this art! Please don't be afraid to ask questions, and I wish you luck! :)

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I agree with everyone above that keeping a notebook is definately a must -but in addition to that you (and everyone else) might just want to back that notebook up somewhere - once upon a time when I broke up with one of my girlfriends my notebooks mysteriously "vanished" and never turned up - so maybe going back through your written notes every so often and putting them on the puter might not be a bad idea

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