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I know I'm asking alot!!!

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Hello all!

I'm trying to come up with a primitive line of candles. I'm only having a hard time because I want to try and mix some of my own scents but I'm so not good at that. I should have just about every kind you could think of. Some of my names I came up with are Sweet Simplicity, Primitive Cellar, Prairie Crumble Cake, Olde Barn Blessings, Olde Sugar Bucket, Days of Olde, Cranberries from the Bog....I was gonna do about 12 different scents...anyone have any thoughts of different scents to mix together? I'm so not creative!!! Thankyou so much for any help!



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Hello all!

I'm trying to come up with a primitive line of candles. I'm only having a hard time because I want to try and mix some of my own scents but I'm so not good at that. I should have just about every kind you could think of. Some of my names I came up with are Sweet Simplicity, Primitive Cellar, Prairie Crumble Cake, Olde Barn Blessings, Olde Sugar Bucket, Days of Olde, Cranberries from the Bog....I was gonna do about 12 different scents...anyone have any thoughts of different scents to mix together? I'm so not creative!!! Thankyou so much for any help!



So basically you want to create the scent to match the name that you have already chosen? Right

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I'll take a shot at it.

Sweet Simplicity Apple Blossom? Amish Apple Butter

Primitive Cellar (old cellars smell musty)

Prairie Crumble Cake Cranberry or Blueberry Strudel or Almond Butter Coffee Cake

Olde Barn Blessings (I don't care for this name, I had a barn that smelled like cow pattys) Hayride

Olde Sugar Bucket Maple and Brown Sugar

Days of Olde Country store mixed with Lumberjack ( from KY site)

Cranberries from the Bog.... Cranberry marmalade

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:yay: yes...kimmeroo, that's exactly what i want to do! I've never heard of sg either. I have about 30 names i came up with, don't have to use the barn one....i can't member who it was that wrote some down but that's just what i meant! i think i thought up some really good names but just don't know what scents to put in them....so any combinations ya's could think of would be awesome for me, maybe if i give ya a few more of the names i thought of.... sweet gardens of 1800's, Harvest Gatherings, Fireplace Hearth, Early Homestead....

Thanks so much, I sure appreciate any help!!



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Thanks Lifelace!!

I think I have thought of some of the neatest names, definetly not blowing my own horn cause I never like to take credit for anything I make or do, If someone said, wow that looks like crap, I'd be way better with that than if they said that's so cool. I haven't decided if I'm gonna use rusty cans or I have a plan for jars too. I made some wax dipped books the other night and they turned out good too. Put some sweet annie on some and bittersweet on others. I'm ready for any season but this crappy winter!!!!!! Well, didn't mean to write a book, sorry!!! I should really sell some of all this stuff I make!! Heheheheh!



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(What were the others?)

Sweet Simplicity, (Cotton Candy and a buttercream or Rich Vanilla)

Primitive Cellar, (Homespun sugar, grape or strawberry wine with a hint of patchouli or sandalwood -- maybe)

Prairie Crumble Cake, (Apple cobbler and maybe peach cobbler)

Olde Barn Blessings, (Don't think they make a cow patty scent, sooooo ... how about hay, fresh cut grass and apple)

Olde Sugar Bucket, (homespun sugar and apples with a hint of mystic woods)

Days of Olde, (dunno lol. Patchouli, rose, violets and jasmine for female --- mix of woods and hay with a splash of leather for the guys)

Cranberries from the Bog (Spiced Cranberry and patchouli with a fresh water scent or fresh cut grass or both)

Sweet Gardens (Rose, violet, lilac, lavender, heather)

Harvest Gatherings (Maple and brown sugar with cinnamon and apple <or apple cinnamon>)

Fireplace Hearth (Amish Harvest and fireplace)

Early Homestead (Country garden or nice floral mix with patchouli and something that resembles air.)

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(What were the others?)

Sweet Simplicity, (Cotton Candy and a buttercream or Rich Vanilla)

Primitive Cellar, (Homespun sugar, grape or strawberry wine with a hint of patchouli or sandalwood -- maybe)

Prairie Crumble Cake, (Apple cobbler and maybe peach cobbler)

Olde Barn Blessings, (Don't think they make a cow patty scent, sooooo ... how about hay, fresh cut grass and apple)

Olde Sugar Bucket, (homespun sugar and apples with a hint of mystic woods)

Days of Olde, (dunno lol. Patchouli, rose, violets and jasmine for female --- mix of woods and hay with a splash of leather for the guys)

Cranberries from the Bog (Spiced Cranberry and patchouli with a fresh water scent or fresh cut grass or both)

Sweet Gardens (Rose, violet, lilac, lavender, heather)

Harvest Gatherings (Maple and brown sugar with cinnamon and apple <or apple cinnamon>)

Fireplace Hearth (Amish Harvest and fireplace)

Early Homestead (Country garden or nice floral mix with patchouli and something that resembles air.)

Good job Scented! I wouldn't have known where to start!

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Hey on that spring garden one, add some rain.

and some pumpkin on the harvest gatherings.

Fireplace hearth thingy -- fireplace (or some cozy smoky scent and wildflowers with sage or an herbal tone to it. Go easy on the fireplace type scent you use though. It will overpower everything and anything lol.)

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