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Hi All,

Thanks so much for your help and advise. I've been in business for two months now. It started out strong the first month then slowed down the second but this past weekend business has picked up and I think will stay strong through the holidays. Everything seems to be selling at the same consistency with the exception of Essential Oils which I've put on clearance.

Thank you Glowlight for the suggestion of selling votive candles at 6 for $5. I've been moving a lot of my handmade votives.

I have some stiff competition in this flea market. I'm competing with five other candle, oil and incense sellers but I've already experienced my fair share of repeat customers which leaves me feeling really good about this business.

I've been very surprised about how popular fragrance oils are. I started to bottle them in 1/2 ounce increments just to move some of my candle scents. Last month I had to order FO's just to bottle and sell. I get a lot of requests for body oils as well. But I haven't had the cash flow to make the initial investment plus there are a couple of sellers that carry designer dupe body oils. Not that I'm worrried about the competition. Incense is also another big seller, nice profit margins too at about 200%. Could do better if I made it myself but too much hassle. The quality of my supplier surpasses my market's competition and I have had customers tell me so. I've had repeat customers fill up $10 to $20 worth of incense at a time.

I also have to thank my newly wed husband for all his help and support. He enjoys selling in the market and has also become a newbie candle maker to help me keep up with the demand. I'm very lucky to have found a man that can share in the enthusiasm.

It's been a lot of hard work but I'm living a dream made real. I've always wanted to go into business for myself and I've always loved flea markets. Making your dreams a reality will require a lot of hard work and in some cases economic hardships, there will be set backs but it's a learning process and when you start from the bottom there is only one direction that you can move in and that is up. PM me if you have any questions or just need someone to supply those simple words of encouragement - "Yes you can!"

Lots of Light and Love,


--Original Message-- posted 7/25/2005


I'm opening up a booth at an indoor flea market in August. I'm considering items to sell and I'm curious as to what some people have experienced as best sellers in the line of candles and fragrance.

This what I'm considering.

Handmade Votive Candles

Soy container candles

Wax Tarts

Tart Burners

Stick and/or cone incense

Incense Burners

Essential Oils

Body Oils

Carrier Oils

Since this is a new business I'm starting and any help or advise on what you've sold and particularly what sold well (including scents) would be greatly appreciated. If you could include information about your suppliers that would also be very useful.

Thank You,


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Hi, and welcome to the board. Was just wondering if you had ever made candles before? Or are you a brand spankin newbie to the sport? ;)

Thanks for the welcome but I'm actually an oldbie not a newbie to the board. I originally joined candletech when there were only around 200 members on the board. I've been making candles since 2001. I've worked with many different types of wax with the exception of gel and spent last year selling handmade votives and pillars at craft shows. I really want to expand into the sales arena and am looking for experieced advice.

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As far as suppliers, this board is sponsored by Peaks ~ and they have great products and service!!

Thanks Mizbizzyb for the Peak's plug. Yes Alan is a wonderful moderator and I'm sure Peak's is a fantastic candle making supplier. One of the wonderful things about this board and why I signed on in the beginning is that it allows candle makers the freedom to discuss all product lines and suppliers unlike some other candlemaking boards I've seen. Unfortunately Peak's is a little too far out of my way to consider as a main supplier but as far as raw materials are concerned I've found some wonderful suppliers right here in the New York area that work quite well for me.

When I asked about suppliers what I'm actually looking for are wholesalers that sell finished products in the aromatherapy line. Such as unique and cute tart burners, incense burners, aromatherapy diffusers, candle holders, perfume bottles and the like. For all resellers out there if you have finished products that sell well please share your sources.

Thanks so much,


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I do flea/farmers markets (for unrelated products) and to me, you really cannot pipoint what will sell well!! What sells for me may bomb for you...different strokes. However, votives are always a hit, a gentleman at my market sells his candles and he sells ALOT of votives.

People are finicky at these markets. One week I may sell $1000 worth of honey, the next week only $300. Markets are endlessly frustrating. I do alot of them in all kinds of different areas.

My suggestion to you is figure out how much product you need to sell to cover your table WITH PROFITS and see if it will be worth it, and also go check out your competition--and see how you can one up them. If you have competition that is.

If you don't....than anything you sell will be a novelty, and you can dictate what scents and types of things to carry just based on personal preference and early customer feedback.

I hope I have made sense....I have been doing markets a long time...but not with candles and B&B, so maybe my so-called "expertise" is not very helpful at all! :D

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Hem is dead on. They can be very fustrating. I sell at one 3 days a week and let me tell you.....they are so unpredictable....One day I'll make 20 bucks..the next I'll make 400. I sell alot of different stuff.

Votives - Biggest seller!! I sell these 6 for 5$ and make a killin.

Tarts/ Clamshells - People here still don't know what they are!

Jars - I have only tested 19 scents in jars and people always want the one I don't have.

Pillars in alot of different sizes - Sold some, not as much as I hoped

t-lights 2nd biggest seller.

floating candles. 3rd biggest seller. pretty much tied with t lights.

Candle holder/tart burners/ other candle related stuff. If it wasn't for this stuff I would have made rent last month.

bath & body. Almost completely out of my foot care line, lip balms and lotion bars. I have only sold 1 bar of cp soap.


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