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lye water - how clear?


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Is the lye water supposed to get completely clear?

I don't remember how it was with my first batch.

It's not cloudy anymore but it has lil tiny floatys in it. For lack of a better description, like sea monkeys. Are these going to form lye patches or is it ok? This is the second batch of lye water I made today. I threw the first one out because of the lil white things

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I get these too, they are just undissolved little lye crystals. I am completely OCD though and as the lye/water is cooling I'll stir and with my spoon break ALL the little bits up until the water is clear and nothing floats in it. They eventually will all go away but I need to break them up and stir stir stir. I don't get too many but it takes about 10-15 minutes of me stirring etc....I too would be worried about undissolved lye crystals in the finished soap. Depending on what kind of container you use they can be hard to see, but I use a clear one.


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