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how would you wick this blend????

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30% paraffin 30% soy 30% petrolatum 10% microcrystalline sp?

I received a sample from a company and don't know where to begin with the type of wick. I usually use cd and cdn in my usual soy blend and I will start there but I dont know if I should wick for the soy part or the paraffin part??? Thanks

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That's really hard to say since they burn so differently. I would think if you tried to wick for the parafin that the soy would get too hot and you'd lose burn time. I think you might be best trying to wick for the soy, it might even slow down your burn time.

Or at least that sounds right in my head.

Good luck with it!

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Well.... guessing here... there's the paraffin on the one hand, which burns more easily than the soy on the other hand... but the microcrystalline and petrolatum... hmmmm...

When I can't make up my mind (like now), I go with what I have always done and see what happens from there. In other words, wick a container with the size you normally would for that particular FO and see what transpires. At least you don't have to worry about blowing up your house like you would if you were makin' homemade dynamite. :)

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... there's the paraffin on the one hand, which burns more easily than the soy on the other hand...

Does this mean that paraffin would actually take a smaller wick than soy? Or phrased another way, if you were making a candle that you were used to making with paraffin, and then you switch to a soy blend or all soy, then you'd need to wick up?

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so far I have tried a cd 10 in a 3" tumbler and 7% FO load and it's not looking so good. I will try cdn 10 and then move on to the 12's.I usually have good luck with cds and cdn's in this container.But this wax is a whole other ballgame. I'll keep ya posted as to my results.

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Does this mean that paraffin would actually take a smaller wick than soy? Or phrased another way, if you were making a candle that you were used to making with paraffin, and then you switch to a soy blend or all soy, then you'd need to wick up?

Yes, soy requires a larger wick than paraffin in the same container.

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Does this mean that paraffin would actually take a smaller wick than soy? Or phrased another way, if you were making a candle that you were used to making with paraffin, and then you switch to a soy blend or all soy, then you'd need to wick up?

Soy is a thicker wax and more difficult to wick than paraffin. Typically, you do wick up with soy. When you see wick charts with suggestions, those are usually wick suggestions for paraffin, unless noted otherwise. Soy you can pretty much plan on wick up at least 1-2 wick sizes from paraffin. Some FOs need to be wicked up even more than that.

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Please note that micro wax may have up to triple the viscosity (thickness) of paraffin when it is liquefied.

Petrolatum is essentially a high oil wax blend with lots of micro wax.

With those 2 items at 40% of your formula, your finished wax blend will be much thicker/viscous than paraffin or soy by itself.

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