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Found someone today that not only had the nerve to copy from my site word for word but had the audacity to copy my copyright blurb at the bottom of my work. I have it where you can't copy and paste so she had to view the source to grab all the text. I emailed the copyright infringer and her host today, the infringer still has my work up and her host wants something from a judge to do anything about it. LOL

I am beginning to think I wasted my money copyrighting my site because it stops no one! Trademarks, copyrights why get them? Do you know how many new oils I could have bought with that money!

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People never stop amazing me, I got 2 rude emails back from the infringer telling me off as if how dare I email her asking her to take it down.....How dare I?

I published it in 2004 and she opened her site 3 1/2 months ago. I can't post emails because of board rules but basically she claims ...

1. A friend wrote it for her and she has no idea where this "friend" got it but she will get to the bottom of it.

2.All policies to tend to sound alike. (we are talking paragraph for paragraph she didn't even bother to change the order or try to change one word with exception of her taking my name out and replacing it with her own)

3. I need to get my facts straight and not threaten people before I know the facts, meaning how dare I email her and not the mystery friend (I am sorry I didn't know a friend was responsible for the contents HER site),

4. She is not new to this biz, although it shows her site opening in Nov 2008 she REALLY has been doing this since 2001 and I need to keep my high and mighty "bullshit" to myself. (sorry for the curse it was her words)

5. I don't need to feel threatened by her or her business. (LOL ya okay, it is the principal)

All I did was email and tell her she copied my copyrighted work word for word, paragraph for paragraph and she has 24 hours to take it down or change it. In hind site maybe my inital email could have had a nicer tone to it and not so harsh and to the point. But still no matter which way you slice it I am in the right. She stole from me and I have every right to be angry.

Update: I checked it again and she did end up taking it down and rewrote it which I appreciate.

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Glad it worked out for you. As long as you were factual, don't worry about any "harsh" comment commentary. That used to happen to me all the time. More importantly to me was the stealing of my pictures for auctions and websites. Not only was it wrong, but the pics were good and it worried me that customers were thinking they were getting something of that quality and then didn't. People would say they were theirs, but I had unique things in the pics that I knew were mine. They thought if they cropped the pic, it was okay to take it!!:mad: eBay was good about it...I would send them a link to the auctions, along with my pic, and 100% of the time, they took the offender's auction down!!! Didn't make many friends, but it was the principle of the thing. Haven't had a problem since I started watermarking the pics - right thru the middle of the pic item!

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You probably already know about this but here is the link to see the pages from your site that have been archived. You can find that page with the date and send this thief the information.


That just gripes my a**!!

I can tell you of at least 2 sites right now that have either my info or pictures on their sites and they won't remove them. I also found someone on ebay using my pictures.

You know what they say......What comes around goes around. She'll get hers.

Maybe you can report her site to google. Nothing worse than getting banned by google!!

Good luck.

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Try this site..

Type in each page of you site and it will find dupes, if any.

You can only do it 3 times a day, unless you join.

(At least that's the message I got the other day...

I Checked my again after seeing this thread..)


ETS: SharonA... That is a great site!!!


Thanks for that website. I got the message that you can only do 5 searches per month.

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