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Filling Teeny Bottles


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Or one of those cookie extruder thingymabobbers - messy to fill but they work too.

Ziploc with a teeny tiny hole works pretty good on the small bottles. It's surprising how much can come out of a hole you can barely see. :)

Good luck - 100 bottles! I'd go blind :)

I'm betting it isn't gonna be pretty :laugh2:

I may stop at the pharmacy on the way home tonight..I'm liking that big syringe idea..Thanks Jennifer

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I pity you! I tried filling 1 oz bottles and it SUCKS! I tried the baggie method. Awful. I tried the syringe method. Lame. Nothing worked well. I didn't think about this before...I wonder if you took a short piece of straw, placing it between the syringe and the bottle, and then squirted lotion through it, if it would work any better than just the syringe itself. Part of the problem I had with the syringe was that it would ooze out over the top of the bottle,yet the bottle wouldn't be full, so I would have to tap the bottle to make the lotion settle to the bottom and then fill it with more.

Good luck. Let me know if you find something that works for you.

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One other thing that I just thought of but have never used it for lotion.... why not buy ketchup bottles (the red plastic soft bottles that they sell to fill with ketchup for outside) I bet you could get a lot of lotion in that and the diameter of the top is pretty small.... you could always enlarge the hole if you needed to. That would fill them up really quick and I think the bottles are a couple dollars if that.

Just a thought......

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I don't know how it would work but maybe you could try a meat injector from Walmart. It has a long metal needle and the syringe part too.

Ditto!! That's exactly what I did. I tried the cake decorator thingy - didn't work. I tried the baggie with a corner cut out - it didn't work either. DH finally bought me a meat injector and I was set. Works like a charm.

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How do you clean these meat inhectors? TIA

I think I would use a small bottle brush and soap and water for the cylinder part. Then squish the soap and water several times through the injector part. Then I would follow up doing the same with a bleach solution.



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I used the meat injector!! It does work nicely, but ya gotta squeeze hard, which is no biggie for 10 bottles...100 bottles...different story LOLOL..but it's the best thing I've tried so far, and will continue to use it until every one of those suckers is full.. It was nice doing it without a big mess :) Thanks ladies!

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Yeah the meat injector works great but will also give your arms quite the work out. Whe filling bigger bottles, I take the injector needle off. I clean mine by fillng the sink with hot soapy water and then drawing the water in the injector and pushing it out over and over and over until its clean. When I use it, I do the same thing just not as many repetitions with alcohol to disinfect it.

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UGGHHHH.. I am hating this. These little bottles are such a pain in the ass to fill. I'm gonna try one more thing (the syringe method) tonight, and if it's no easier I think I will scream. The meat injector is a brilliant idea...and maybe it's just my particular one, but it is HARD on the hands. I guess i'm getting old, I don't know... But I can't make it squeeze out very fast at all. :embarasse Ahh well..we'll try the other trick tonight. I had NO idea these things were going to be such a joke to fill..

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I fill really little bottles (1/4 oz) using the meat injector with the needle still attached because its small enough to get in the bottle. Bigger bottles I take the needle off to fill. I find it works easier that way. It does hurt your hands (and makes quite a mess) but its all that I have found that will work. I have 2 shows today so last night I was working on filling bottles. The top of my meat injector broke off because I was having to push down so hard. DH had to run to Wally World to buy me more. If you can think of any other way to fill those little bottles, I'd sure love to hear. :)

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Okay Whoever it was that said use the syringe...you totally knew what you were talking about and I am completely and utterly sorry (you have no idea HOW SORRY) for not just doing that immediately!! You can buy a good sized syringe at a farm store...no needle necessary LOL, and as long as your lotion is still kinda warm, this is the PERFECT thing to use! I am so excited! I need to get in there and finish them, but I just wanted to come and say thank you syringe person.. I"ll look later to see exactly who you were.. Thank you thank you thank you! :D Okay, I'm off to finish filling teeny bottles! Oh Happy Day! :yay::bliss:

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