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Ocean Fragrances


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I have been using peaks ocean for 2 years now, and although I like it and it has sold moderately well, I've been having alot of comments lately that it is too soapy... so i'm on the hunt for a 2nd ocean type scent. What are everyone's favorites? :rolleyes2

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The Salty Sailor at Daystar is the former Salty Mariner from AGE. In the Fragrance Twins thread people are agreeing the salty mariner smells the same as peaks ocean. Just wanted to let you know this.

I read somewhere on the boards that The Salty Mariner was supposed to be really good but didn't get a chance to try it before AGE went under. I'll definitely have to try The Salty Sailor since I need to order more Vanilla Bean Noel from Daystar.

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Are you absolutely sure of this?

Yes. So-Soy is absolutely correct: 100%. I got the word straight from Stacy at Daystar. Plus, it's one of my faorite F/Os and I've soaped both the Salty Mariner from AGE and Salty Sailor from Daystar. They are definitely one and the same without a doubt.


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Salty sailor IS salty mariner. Stacy just renamed it.

Why rename a kick ass selling oil? Brambleberry didn't rename Cyb's oils. BCN left Bubbles & Lights oils alone. I do not mean to sound snotty, but if something is selling great and Salty Mariner was a HOT seller from AGE, why rename it? Kind of like buying the rights to the Beatles and renaming them The Cockroaches.

Now as far as Ocean scents go, I have never been happy with just one. I mix them up to get the scent the way that I want it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

If Peak 'Ocean' = AGE 'Salty Mariner' = DS 'Salty Sailor' then I am a very happy camper right now! I just received a sample of 'Ocean' a couple days ago, and I have lamented missing out on the much ballyhooed 'Salty Mariner'. :yay:

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