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I am new to this board a fairly new to candle making. I have been doing candles for about a year now. In fact, I poured my first candle on New Years Day 2008! Let's just say that it did not go well. The wick tunneled and smoked so badly. But with a couple of classes, and lots of hard work, many hours of test burning and such, I have gotten to a pretty decent product. I do not have a business, I mainly sell to family, friends and co-workers as well as for myself for now. I would like to pursue it further in to a business down the road but right now it is just an expensive hobby. LOL. I use 4630, and 1343. I do not make soy as I hear a lot of people that say it is a huge headache. I get enough of those on my own.

Nice to meet everyone here!

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I'm new to this website and I know I will like it because of the things I've read.

I have started working with candles and used the J50 which came in my starting kit. Basically, I have not knowledge about the wick size and the container. Everything is in the kit. I used the 1oz FO for 1lb of J50. No additive whatsoever. The throw was very good, however, the candle has wet spots.

Now I have 3.5" diameter container, I wonder what wick size should I use? I got my kit from Lone Star Candle Supply. Can anybody make a suggestion?

Also, I bought their container soy wax. I made 30%soy and 70%J50. That corrected the wet spot. But I don't know what kind of wick should I use. Any suggestion?



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Hello there and welcome to the board!

I have also been making candles for a little over a year. Just mainly for friends and family. It is a very expensive hobby but I love it. At first it was nerve wrecking trying to find the best wax formula for me but now I find it to be fun...call me nuts! I love trying new FO and coming up w/ diff. colors and such.

The ladies and men on this board have all been fabulos. From day one they have been helpful and give out great advice.


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