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Finally going to jump into candle making..few questions.

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Hi all,

Well, about a year and a half ago I came on board here doing some research into candle making as something my wife and I could do for fun and maybe even sell a few down the road. Well, life got busy - changed jobs, had a baby, etc. Now we're at a point where we can actually do this finally!

I'm excited about doing this (and my wife is too) and before dumping a lot of money into it I thought a starter route was a good way to test the waters

When I was doing my initial research I was going to go the 'starter kit' route with something from Peak (they have a paraffin starter kit for about $59.95). Is that something still good to try?

Any other tips for absolute newbies? I noticed there is a nice FO supplier about 30 minutes from me in Spartanburg, SC so I have options down the road to pick up different scents and stuff.

Any other sites that have good starter kits to price and check out?



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Hi Valien,

A couple 2, 3 years ago my wife wanted a hobby we both could enjoy. When I was a kid my twin brother and I made candles and did very well selling them at shows my wife thought candles would be a good hobby for us to try. To make thinks easy we went the kit route. We got the parrafin wax starter kit at Candlewic. For us it was a good starting point. Getting started in candle making is not a difficult, but it does take time to figure certain combinations like wick size, wax type, color, and FO. So starter kits are a good way to go in my opinion.

ps. These days the candle making has been deligated to me with my wife telling me what at when to make them. lol I think it is her way of getting me away from my addiction, fly fishing. :rockon:

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Well If you have a supplier close to you and you can save on shipping costs then that is a big plus!

I had a starter kit too but I also took over a candle biz a friend was quitting and I learned a lot from her, plus bought her stuff.

Also buying stuff on thew classifieds is a great way to get things cheaper that you may want to try.

Godd luck its fun and addicting!!

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Hands down the candle kits cost less than buying stuff at the local crafting stores like Michaels. Plus-- you can't get good quality wax scent or wicks at local craft stores. So buying from a reputable supplier is key.

I think a candle kit is definitely the way to go. Peaks has a great one. Actually I think they have several. Plus their wax, oils, wicks, etc. are all top notch.

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I actually decided to pickup the Peak starter kit for containers. I like the metal tins (some of the other kits I looked at online had glass containers and were not as inexpensive). So now to wait for the package to arrive in a few days...

I think I know what my wife and I will be doing next weekend...

Glad to hear from some other guys on the board. We're not alone in our quest to make fun candles! :D


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It is definitely addicting. You just keep adding, adding, and perfecting. I have thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it. Good luck. My hubby and I do

it and it is so fun, especially the selling part, craft shows, wholesale, etc. Anyway, keep posting on how you are doing and ask anything you might like to know. Everyone is very helpful on this board.

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I started with a kit too. Votives. Worked great and encouraged me it could be done. The next step was buying different types of wax in 10 lb slabs and testing fragrance oils, wicks and jars from different companies. I went from jelly jars to all kinds of containers and am always looking for something different. I used to spend a lot of time hunting through dollar stores and outlets for containers and molds and other stuff. Look for your closest candle supply house and learn their products and read posts on all the forums. Never expect the exact same results that somebody else gets with a wax, wick or fo combination. Get your pocket book out and get ready to dump some funds.

Good luck...have fun,


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Hi Chuck,

Thanks for the info. My kit shipped today so looks like it'll be next week before we jump into this. Can't wait.

I've found a few regional and local suppliers so hopefully I can get products from them cheaper down the road (due to shipping)

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