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Gel Skulls


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Thank you all

They are made with High Density Gel wax. I used a mold. They can only be lightly scent the normal amount of scent will cause them to sag.

I have burned them to the bottom. They do drip for a few minutes of the first burn but it rounded on the top and it takes a few minutes to get a well started in the skull. Once the well is started it does not drip again. If the wicking is right and I got lucky and had the right wicking it burns down holding it shape amazingly well.

The first couple I made where pretty ugly when I was getting the nack of getting them out of the mold I messed up the look, so I burned those all the way to the bottom. Those took forever to burn. There is a lot of gel left over but I was going for the inside glow of a pretty much intacted skull.

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