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Sometimes I so hate making votives!

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I have a huge order ( three 4 oz. jars and 48 votives) that I need to get done for a cistomer because she is having a baby shower and these are her "favors" . Well I have poured into 6 votive molds 3 times today and only 6 votives have passed my visiual tests. The others suck!!!! They are either uneven tops, or have bubbles. So I still have 42 left to go! Lordy!

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The bubbles may have something to do with your temp on the re-pour. I always get mine just a tad hotter than the first pour. What kind of wax are you using. I use the 4794 and it works well with me. If the bottom of your votive cup is uneven, it shouldn't make the tops uneven,but maybe the whole candle wouldn't sit right. Hope you get it worked out. I love making votives.

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One pound of wax makes 8 standard votives including the repour. Might be wise to get a few more molds. Pouring that huge order of 48 votives would take no time at all then. That's only 4 pounds of wax.

Do you have the metal votive molds? I have never seen any with a lopsided bottom, but I am sure they are out there. You should be able to tell just by looking at it.

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If you are using wick pins, which I do, sometimes little air bubbles come to the top of mine also. Usually I can just blow them out!!!! You have to start blowing as soon as you see them popping up though. Usually doesn't take a lot!! If that doesn't work I use my heat gun on low so it doesn't blow the liquid wax everywhere and that gets rid of them. hth

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If you are using wick pins, which I do, sometimes little air bubbles come to the top of mine also. Usually I can just blow them out!!!! You have to start blowing as soon as you see them popping up though. Usually doesn't take a lot!! If that doesn't work I use my heat gun on low so it doesn't blow the liquid wax everywhere and that gets rid of them. hth

I don't know why I never thought of zapping those darn bubbles with the heat gun?!?!?!

Some days I pour my votives and all goes well....other days, I can do it the exact same way and POOF, bubbles on half of them.

Check the classies from time to time. We have enough votive and melt molds to pour 5 lbs at a time - makes the process so much faster!

Good Luck!

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If you are using wick pins, which I do, sometimes little air bubbles come to the top of mine also. Usually I can just blow them out!!!! You have to start blowing as soon as you see them popping up though. Usually doesn't take a lot!! If that doesn't work I use my heat gun on low so it doesn't blow the liquid wax everywhere and that gets rid of them. hth

A heat gun works wonders, I use mine on most of my candles, containers and molded candles both.

Good Luck!

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