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Yeah!!! CandleScience is now selling reed diffusers.


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I have to say that reed diffusers have never been my favorite item. However, MY opinion changes drastically if CS puts their stamp of approval on it.

I have never, ever, been steered wrongly by them. If they said that the sky was orange, I'd be getting some new glasses.

I got the e-mail about the diffusers - and oh, gee, on second thought I may have been wrong about diffusers and need to take a second look. I imagine that using their FO's would make all the difference in the world. They are top notch. Their quality and research is immeasurable, IMO.

I am expanding with them every step of the way....and have never been disappointed.


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I will have to try CSci's base now. I have tried WSP and NG and I did not get good results (but then, I only tried them once). Plus, I did not know about the VOC compliance in my state, so I have to research this with the other bases, as well.

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I am thinking about trying these out as well. I would love it if I can order them from someone who will send it USPS. ICS has Reed Diffuser products and sends USPS. Has anyone tried ICS's?

I will definitely give CS's a try the next time I need to order something from them.

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Really, I just ordered the base from WSP I usually would order from Peak's but they just raised there prices and it's not worth it with the shipping for me.

Honestly, I think it was the fragrance, now. I am testing them again with a stronger scent. But I need to make sure they are ok to use in my state.

I can't wait to order from them. I am thinking I will stick with NG and CSci since I buy the majority of my FO from them, right now. I will also try Alabaster's. WSP is too much, shipping-wise unless I am getting a lot of stuff.

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  • 7 months later...

I may be like many in this forum but I've crunched the numbers and just can't see asking what I feel is too much money from my customers to make this product. That and the fact I'm not a big fan of these and so far I'm passing.

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