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square piller help

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i have a square piller 3in by 9 in .that i am wonting to get two colores in. but after i take it out of the mold .there is a bent on all sides ware the colores meat. it comes out great one color but not two. i have tried hotter on top thinking that was it. any ideas what is going on with it.

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but after i take it out of the mold .there is a bent on all sides ware the colores meat. it comes out great one color but not two.

What exactly do you mean by "there is a bent on all sides"? :confused: Does your candle bulge in the middle? Maybe add a picture, might help more to see it.

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it leaves a ledge ware the colores meat like ware the green ends. and i peeour the next color it sinks in there.i tried the pitcher but could not get it to show up.i have never seen anything like it.i have tried three times now same thing happens.

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It sounds as though you let the first color set up too long and it shrank from the side of the mold. Could that be it? You should pour the second color when the first color has mostly set up but is still warm and sticking to the mold. Should be fine to pour both around 185 - keep it simple.

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I've had that happen when trying to make layered votives. As Top said, you've probably let the first layer set up until absolutley cold. Just let the first layer set up until the top of it is solid and the sides are sticking to the mold, but the layer hasn't hardened right through. Then pour the next layer hotter. I also hit the top of the first layer with my heat gun for a few seconds (not enought to heat the layer) then pour the next layer.

You might want to practise this technique on a couple of votives first, so you don't have to keep melting you candle down.

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