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Melt & Pour, Cheatin...


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I have made a little bit of m&p soap, I bought a ton of different recipes to make the soap. A while ago, I was on a different forum and I remember a bunch of those people were saying that m&p soap was kinda crappy, not nearly as good as cp or hp soap. Kinda like people who made m&p soap were like second class. Like it wasn't real handmade soap, cheaters soap. After that, I kinda lost interest in it. Then I was on here the other night and clicked on m&p and must of read for 3 hours. Has anyone ever thought that or read that on other forums? Just curious.. Thanks



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I get that impression occasionally from some soapers-- but not all. Some still make M&P soaps and/or then went on to CP soaping.

I make M&P and have tried CP soaps from different soapers. Not all CP soap is great. Some I tried just didn't lather well and wasn't the least bit moisturizing. While others I've tried were the opposite; lots of bubbly lather and moisturizing.

Same thing with M&P. I have tried bars from some that just weren't all that great while others were super moisturizing and loaded with lots of sudsy lather.

Its like anything else handmade. It can be made poorly or extraordinarily well. Also-- not all bases are made the same. There are some great bases and then there are some cheap crappy M&P bases. You have to test a few to find the good ones then practice and read up what you can to make a good recipe for a great M&P soap.

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LOL, yeah, you'll get that from time to time. But there are many of us who know the truth!

A lot of folks think it's cheating! LOL.. cheating what? I didn't know it was a test! I've heard a few people say that with MP soap there is no work involved.. and I wondered what work was involved with CP! I've made it many times and didn't find it work at all! Mix oils and lye, add color and fragrance, pour in a mold and wait! MP= melt base, mix in additives add color and fragrance pour in a mold and wait (just not nearly as long!) :D On both ends there are of course the added creating of the recipes.. awesome fun in both types of soap making. I just don't see it, but everyone is entitled to their own opinions and if they want to see it as cheating then there's not much I can do to change their mind!

The one thing I will say for CP soaping is that there is the added danger involved of working with lye. THAT in and of itself makes that type of soaping a different animal, and presents a danger that MP soaping does not so if the argument is which is more difficult based on that, then CP of course wins hands down.

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I do make both CP and MP. I find them both equally time consuming (MP is a pain to wrap IMO) but I MUCH MUCH prefer making CP. Problem is, my customers just aren't into CP! They are into the clear colourful MP soaps and I have a really hard time getting my CP to sell. Sure some people think it's cheating, so what! I think those people have probably never done MP and have no idea how difficult it is. Sure if you just melt in the micro, scent and add a few drops of colour it's insanely easy. BUT I do logs with embeds, cubes etc.....and it's not easier than swirling CP. Well really I should use the term <<time consuming>> instead because I find both easy to do.

Now ask me what I prefer to use in my shower and I'll admit I prefer MP most of the time, because of the pretty colors and scents that stay true and strong.


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Ouch. I always love how even in soap there are the high and mighty who must try and make themselves seem better or more important.

I do both and I can honestly say I prefer M&P. I love the range and the really neat looks you can acheive with M&P. I've spent hours trying to acheive a look or an effect. I always feel very limited in what I could do with CP.

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CP takes more work than HP or MP in that you're dealing with lye and your measurements have to be precise. With MP you can be more creative.

I love MP soap and it isn't cheating. You're doing exactly what you're suppose to do, plus more. Melt & pour plus add your own creativity. (oils, embeds and whatever you choose)

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I love MP, and I do both.. but it's easier for me to do a basic batch of CP than to do a basic batch of MP. I love the medium of MP though because it's forgiving (messed it up, just melt it down) and to me the scent is stronger and it takes less fragrance that isn't eaten up by the lye process of CP. I can make MP soap in my favorite color... clear. :D And like PA says, instant gratification.

Creatively speaking, I think I can do a bit more with MP a lot faster, like for embeds and shapes and carving. CP I can do a lot with as well but you're kind of limited and it takes a lot more time if you have a wild idea and need several parts to make the whole... not to mention the cure time. You actually have to plan out a really creative multi part batch of CP and sometimes it can take days to get it all sorted out and ready just to make the master log.

As for cheating... who cares, it's still going to end up as soap and anyone that doesn't make soap or know someone that does really doesn't know there is a difference to begin with. All they know is it looks pretty, it smells good and they can wash with it. Isn't that what soap is supposed to do?

I think the people that scream that it's cheating are the same people that run out and buy one of those Bob Ross paint by number kits to paint an oil painting. The end result is the same as Bob's and they say they painted it because they really did, there are just numbers underneath the paint. :D

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I love making M&P soaps because you can do so much more with it. I have not tried the others because of the lye factor. I have little ones running around here all the time and I don't want any accidents. Also M&P cna be very time consuming when your doing the more intercate designs.

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To whomever said they can't sell CP soap~ I couldn't either as long as I had MP soap to offer. And my clients didn't have a clue how the soaps were made, they just knew what they loved!

My customers dictated what I ended up making the most of, and what I continue to attempt to perfect.

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:smiley2: Hi I am a so called newbie I guess. I use goats milk M&P soap to create bakery soap and I am confused. Is this cheating? Please explain as I am already confused. Thanks,Val


I have made a little bit of m&p soap, I bought a ton of different recipes to make the soap. A while ago, I was on a different forum and I remember a bunch of those people were saying that m&p soap was kinda crappy, not nearly as good as cp or hp soap. Kinda like people who made m&p soap were like second class. Like it wasn't real handmade soap, cheaters soap. After that, I kinda lost interest in it. Then I was on here the other night and clicked on m&p and must of read for 3 hours. Has anyone ever thought that or read that on other forums? Just curious.. Thanks



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:smiley2: Hi I am a so called newbie I guess. I use goats milk M&P soap to create bakery soap and I am confused. Is this cheating? Please explain as I am already confused. Thanks,Val

Not unless you're taking some kind of test and the only way to pass it is to make soap with lye. LOL!

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To whomever said they can't sell CP soap~ I couldn't either as long as I had MP soap to offer. And my clients didn't have a clue how the soaps were made, they just knew what they loved!

Hi! That is a very intriguing and good point!!! Hmmm....I think this would work for new customers but I would say most of my customers are repeat and my biggest seller is my MP soap and they always rave and rave about the lather and moisturizing effect and say they've never had any soaps like them before etc.... (yay!) :) I would get my head chopped off if I only did CP, plus I love it myself and wouldn't want to only carry CP. I think it's mostly because my CP soaps are rather boring, I need to make them more interesting! I'm just very small right now and my husband got me most of my customers through his work (desk drawer store LMAO) They don't even glance at my CP soaps and just want more and more MP! I sell in a tiny craft mall store also (not sure what they're called in english) and it gets very little traffic (meaning new customers). Most of the people that go there have used my soaps before and they enter the store and go straight for my booth. They are often <<word of mouth>> customers too, that have heard about my products from friends or family.

Teehee, plus I think it's very flattering that people will choose MP over CP when they have both to choose from. Means it's worth making!

Oh, back to the cheating topic, I'd like to shamefully admit something: the reason I started making CP soaps is because I felt a tiny bit <<ashamed>> and thought people would look down on me for only doing MP. It sucks that many of us feel that way for sure!!


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That's a very interesting point about customers prefering the M&P. I was astonished when I had my first customer tell me they preferred my soap to the 'other' soap they tried. This customer raved about how mine smelled so much better and was so moisturizing. I knew the other soap they were talking about was some CP bars they tried.

But I still say it all depends on how well the soap is made no matter what process you use. A good bar of soap comes from experience and lots of practice and a great recipe!

I like to look at it this way-- there are lots of different types of soap made in different ways. I love the versitility and M&P soap can be wonderful if made right. Don't forget the ingredients that go into it also make a difference.

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I guess I'll be the different one because I don't think that when a person makes MP soap, they have truly made the soap. I don't think its necessarily cheating, but I don't think they "made" soap either. Don't get me wrong, I think there are many pluses for MP soap and I think it takes some time and talent to produce some of the beautiful soaps I've seen, but I prefer to have control over what is in my soap and not rely on a base and then try to add stuff to make it better. JMO I like the more hands on approach and doing a process that has been done for thosands of years.

I know that CP or HP soap can lather just as much as an MP soap does. My CP soap does and I've used soaps from people made on this board that lather wonderfully too. It takes time to perfect a CP recipe. When I made MP soap, I never sold nearly as much as I do of my CP soap. My CP soaps are my biggest selling item. Also, CP soaps can be just as pretty as a nicely made MP soap in a really cool mold. You can be just as creative too with CP soap. With either one though, I think you are as limited as your imigination.

But no matter what you choose, you have to choose what works best for you and what you prefer working with because it will show in your final product. And if you have a good base, you can still make a mighty fine soap with MP. But for me, I'll stick with my CP soap. :)

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I am new here and just devouring all the posts I can. I have been doing M&P for many years and feel, as many of you do , that you can be very creative with it.

Now I have a question for you all; whose base do you use and why? I have used SFIC for many years, never tried any other.

Mary Lou

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I am new here and just devouring all the posts I can. I have been doing M&P for many years and feel, as many of you do , that you can be very creative with it.

Now I have a question for you all; whose base do you use and why? I have used SFIC for many years, never tried any other.

Mary Lou

Hi I only use SFIC bases plus whatever else I add to it. I don't like bases that have alot of detergants.

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