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Whipped Pillars

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Before you ask..... yes, I have done searches on whipped candles but not coming up with much. More threads are coming up for B&B and I really don't have the patience to keep searching. I am on the old craft server board right now going through the gallery and love the look of the people's whipped pillars and want to do some myself but can't seem to find any instructions. I found one post that said to whipped the wax til it gets a oatmeal'y look to it then pour. Do I mix color in all the way or like a marble? Is there any thing I should or shouldn't add to the wax? Thanks all (back to the old board)

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If I understand what you want I know these as 'marbled candles' and maybe thats why your search was not coming up with what you were looking for.

I use a large metal bowl and electric hand blender to 'whip' up my wax. Once it gets into the consistency you like you can add a few drops of color-- not too much. You will have to experiment. I add about 2-3 drops of liquid candle dye per lb of wax. When you are adding the liquid dye put the drops in one at a time in different spots so its easier to blend in the wax.

Then you can lightly fold in your color till its blended in the way you like. I don't like to use the blender cause I want a little color variation thats why I fold my color in.

Then spoon your whipped wax into your candle mold or container. Make sure you wicked it first.

To get rid of air pockets firmly tap your mold on the counter to pack the wax down. HTH

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It takes practice. And yes you can definitely use a blender! Working with hot wax you want to make sure you finish before it starts to harden on you. I can't imagine trying to do it without a blender. Also-- using a metal bowl makes cleanup a bit easier. I just zap the dried wax with my heat gun to clean out the bowl.

I should practice more myself. I love marbled candles. Show us a pic when you finish!!:cheesy2:

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