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Cinnamon Scents


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OK is there such a thing as a cinnamon skin safe fragrance????The reason I asked is I see it as a soy candle lotion. I watch the skin safe scents and so far never seen a skin safe cinnamon???????

I saw it advertised and being sold and why I asked.


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This was advertised "cinnamon lotion candle".:shocked2: Cinnamon scent only.No other things included like Cinnamon Apple etc.

I would think people would do their testing and learn about the lotion candles. I will not do them. Somone I am sure out there would do something wrong and sue.


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Cinnamon Sugar from Brambleberry is skin safe.

And so is Cinnamon Stick from Southern Soapers.

If skin safe and used in moderation, you should get no burning or irritation... unless you have sensitive skin maybe.

Some individuals are just sensitive to any skin safe spicy FO.

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I have to agree with you. Cinnamon to me would be hot/burning to the skin.Even Apple Pie was on a list as not skin safe.Sure because it is a spicey scent.

The Cinnamon is probably a EO but like most of you say used in moderation it would be OK. BUT those who make lotion candles MIGHT have customers who do have sensitive skin and maybe they should state something about that. Just to be safe. Most don't!!!!!

If they read about lotion candles I am sure somewhere there is cautions for the candlemaker for these candles. A matter to do their homework. Some just hear about them and jump into it.

I kinda stay away from lotion candles. Nice for another selling point but just with people burning candles can be a worry itself.


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I would ask question too but IF I hadn't made candles and know some difference with things I might just THINK about buying and trying it. You know the sales pitch might sound good.

My husband would buy it. I am not as gullible or like to try different things.I can buy or make just a regular lotion and get a good soothing skin feeling without the hot stuff. A good scent with it too.

There are alot of candlemakers out there who make massage and lotion candles. Instruct customers to melt the candle some, blow it out and put it on the skin. I am like you Scented. Not for me!!!!!! I also don't want the worry of a lawsuit.


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