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Cream Soap Questions

Grumpy Girl

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I'm not sure if there is a pre-made base you can buy but you can make it - there is a tutorial in the class section. I've made it once and I scent it as I need it. I just add my scent, whip and package.

You make it sound soooo easy....:tiptoe:


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She does that on everything lol!

I can't help it if I'm gifted. lol :P

I wish it was easy otherwise I'd have made it more than once. Actually, it was not as hard as it was time consuming - like LS is to make. Once you make it, it is easy to whip and scent as needed. If that's a challenge for anyone, they've got problems. :shocked2:

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It isn't that hard to make but trying to figure out how to use it another story. At least for me. I have been testing this stuff for a year. I have yet to get it to the consistency that I like and that will remain in that consistency. I am nothing if not persistent though.:tongue2:

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Once I got it made and let it go through its rot, I stored it in a bucket with a lid to use as needed. Adillenal is right though, the texture/consistency leaves a bit to be desired - or at least mine does. I've been telling myself I will try this again, but I've not had time. maybe the process will get faster as I do this more time? IMO if you can make soap, you can make this! :)

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I can't help it if I'm gifted. lol :P

I wish it was easy otherwise I'd have made it more than once. Actually, it was not as hard as it was time consuming - like LS is to make. Once you make it, it is easy to whip and scent as needed. If that's a challenge for anyone, they've got problems. :shocked2:

But you are gifted and that is a good thing. I should try both this method and LS, but can't bring myself to do it just yet.

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I'm still not pleased with my GM LS, but my customers are....We are always hardest on ourselves aren't we? I even took my LS off my site until I would have time to mess with it some more. But people were freaking out so I put it back on, but I still don't feel great about it.

Cream soap is intriguing to me, but I tried some and I just don't get the purpose, maybe for shaving, but I can't see much else besides a novelty so it's pretty low on my list to do....however, there's that whole challenge of being able to do it!

I'll just be sticking to making my GM LS just the way I want it for now. Good luck Grumpy!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I make cream soap just for me and a few of my friends...we love it! Add some clay and it makes a great shaving soap. Use a poof and you will have bubbles galore! I do mine in the crockpot and it is easy peasy! I leave it in the crockpot for a few days and let it relax and then adjust the consistancy of it. Once that is done I put it in a bucket and let it rot. Whip it up as I need it. Just can't get much easier.

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I make cream soap just for me and a few of my friends...we love it! Add some clay and it makes a great shaving soap. Use a poof and you will have bubbles galore! I do mine in the crockpot and it is easy peasy! I leave it in the crockpot for a few days and let it relax and then adjust the consistancy of it. Once that is done I put it in a bucket and let it rot. Whip it up as I need it. Just can't get much easier.

You do it the same way I do. My crockpot gets a lot of soaping use.

I'll have to try adding some clay to it. Thanks for that tip!

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Is it possible to use the microwave in place of the crock pot?

I honestly don't know but my guess would be no. You have to cook your mixture using constant heat which I don't think you could get that from the micro. You have to continually stir and allow the heat to help the mixture go through its different phases. I think that a micro would be hard to accomplish that with. Does that make sense? I hope so. When I've made cream soap (and liquid soap) it took me pretty much all day. It was not like making a batch of soap which I can whip out in no time at all.

edited. typo

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