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Where can i buy basket wraps?


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Unless you plan on making a large purchase a WSP, it might be more beneficial just to buy a shrink wrap bag at JoAnn Fabrics or Michael's to see how you like it, otherwise, shipping might be way too high from WSP.

Make sure you buy the appropriate size bag for your basket--small, medium, or large. Getting things to look nice and smooth can take a lot of effort with taping, folding, and that &%@$! heat gun. You know, now that I think about it, you might want to pick up a couple of those bags. When I first started using them, I melted holes in quite a few bags. :cry2:

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As I was putting plastic over some of my windows yesterday in advance of our first big winter storm I got to thinking I wonder if I could use this stuff for gift baskets? You can buy it pretty cheap at Walmart or Home Depot and the sheets of it are huge and it shrinks really well. Hhhmmm......

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Lol! horsemom i was thinking about the window plastic too, i have used it before for tarts and it done good. and i have some of that right now, been doing windows in my room. its thin enough to see thru good, wide enough and it shrinks, well test and let you know. i'm for sure going to the nearest dollartree to get me some, thats cheap. i think at walmart they were double that price for 1. but in a pinch i would buy it, they just don't have it now.

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Take a look at the Dollar Tree if you don't need a large quantity.

The basket bags are 2/1.00 for the large size and 1.00 each for shrink bags

I was gonna say that!! :D Last year I got the shrink bags there for some baskets I did with tart burners, tarts, a candle lighter, and tea lights, so it was pretty good sized but not overly big, but those bags that they have are pretty big, so they'd fit a big sized basket.

I thankfully didn't burn a whole in any of mine, was just using a hair dryer (boy did that take forever :rolleyes:), but I bought some of those bows that you just pull the ends and it makes a nice fluffy bow (from the dollar tree also), and then trimmed the top of the bag, since there was quite a bit extra.

I also have the regular basket bags, and like those just as well. 2 For $1, can't beat that, and they are really good sized. :)

I just love my Dollar Tree!!

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yup! already told dh where we were going sat. i can have my basket ready and just put wrap on it. probably won;'t do another larger one, most people thought $30 was to high for my basket. even with all the stuff i had in it plus the new basket, one woman bought 4 or 5 of the $20 basket , only thing different was it didn't have the candle warmer and dish, plus the basket was bigger. but can used over & over for pine cones, fruit, cards or what every one would like for christmas. so times she bought all this stuff it would be $10 more and everyone can use more than one candle warmer. dh wasn't likeing it a bit that i was only getting a few $$ for my trouble a friend of mine told me how he explained to one lady that was saying $30 was to high, how much time and new stuff i had it the basket.

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