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Candle Excessories


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I am trying to find some places online that carry a large variety of good looking candle excessories (wholesale obviously)....tealight holders, burners, etc. I already use Jackel for some of the burners, but want to find a larger variety. I am really interested in tealight holders -- not just the basic look. Does anyone know of some good places? I have done a lot of searching online but just can't find a lot. Where do all the stores find all the good looking products? China? :wink2:

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I was going to recommend Jackel but you mentioned you wanted something different. I have been searching for more too. It does seem like everything comes from China. I think at one time I had a catalog with burners,etc in them. I have been looking for it with no luck but I'll keep trying :)

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Hey I just found this link in the wickless sections and thought it might help you. I have never ordered from them so I have no idea about how they are.


And this page had some tealight holders and votive holders on it.


Hope this helps some, but they do have a minimum order of $250 from what I read.


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Hey I just found this link in the wickless sections and thought it might help you. I have never ordered from them so I have no idea about how they are.


And this page had some tealight holders and votive holders on it.


Hope this helps some, but they do have a minimum order of $250 from what I read.


Thanks for the lead. :) I have checked them, but they did not have quite what I am looking for either.

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lol, you might have better luck with your search if you searched for "candle accessories".

I get quite a lot from Levine Gifts. Three or four times a year they offer free shipping with $400 order.

LOL Yes, I caught that error too....when it was too late. I just hate making spelling mistakes....especially on a board. :embarasse I have made that error lots of times. I know how it is spelled but for some reason when I am in a hurry I guess I spell it like it sounds in my head....when I say it....especially when typing. You would think though since I have it spelled correctly on my brochures and website and see it often on them, my mind would "get it". I actually ran the search with the correct spelling. At least I think I did. LOL Now that I think of it, I ran it with "tealight holders" "tealight wax burners" when searching.

I have gotten some warmers from Levine Gifts. I am looking for some attractive tealight holders and other types of tealight wax burners and/or electric. I do like some of the tealight holders at Jackel. They have a lot of painted ones to choose from but not as many unpainted ones. I will keep looking.

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This one has some nice burners. I like the black wire ones and the soapstone.


Now the electric ones aren't so great.

Did you see this place? It doesn't post the prices, you have to register.


This one has some really cute ones.


The sword one is really cool. I like the pewter dolphin one and the beaded ones, very cute.

I didn't read any of the terms.

I hope some of these work :)

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