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stick blending vs hand blending


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I was wondering how many of you guys don't use the stick blender to mix your cp soap ingredients. I have always heard that mixing it by hand keeps it creamier. I was wondering if any of you had strong opinions about this one way or the other.

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Granted, I'm no expert on CP, I've made 6 or 7 batches so far, but I got the bright idea to hand stir my first batch. After a couple hours, my arm was about to break. I have not hand stirred since. I used the same recipe on the second batch that I did on the first, and I couldn't tell any difference, as in creaminess. I will continue to use the stick blender, it sure is a time saver, 20 or 30 minutes as opposed to 2 or 3 hours.

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I've found that If I'm making a swirled soap, with 3+ colors, I stickblend just until emulsified then whisk. If I'm making a solid colored batch, I stickblend the snot out of it.

Also, I've learned to whisk in the FO, and made a habit to do it everytime so I don't forget to do it when I pick a new fo or eo blend to try. Soap on a stickblender bites!

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