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How do you make a creamy bar of soap?


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Hi all,

Questions for you. I have looked through many of the soap pictures on the gallery and was wondering if someone could tell me how can I make my soaps more creamy and oqaque looking.

Right now my soaps take on a mottled consistency, and the colors are not as bright and pretty as I've seen in other of your postings.

To get this look am I going to have to prevent gel? Or is it the type of oils that I'm using?

Thanks much for all your help, Vanessa

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Gel will give soaps more of a transluscent look to them, and certain colors can morph when gelled, but there are ways to work around that. Adding a bit of titanium dioxide will make a gelled soap appear quite solid or opaque, for instance, and stickblending your colorants in real well will help to prevent mottling.

Also, making sure to add enough colorant is important, too, as is taking into consideration the color of your main base. Some soap bases are quite yellowish in color, and if you were hoping for a blue soap but didn't add enough colorant to overpower it, you will end up with a green soap because blue and yellow make green.

Also- if your soap goes into gel, you'll want to make sure to encourage it to reach full gel by insulating or adding warmth. Partial gel can contribute to a mottled look, with some parts of your soap appearing lighter in color than others.

HTH! :smiley2:


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