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Credit Cards


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Ok, so I'm doing my first craft show and the people running the show recommended that I bring a cash register, charge machine and charge slips. Does anyone know how I go about getting such things? All I have right now is paypal- don't I need to set up a credit card account or something along those lines in order to process credit cards- and how much do places charge for these things? I remember a LONG time ago there was a thread on here about being able to use paypal at shows- am I retarded? Anyway, any help would be greatly appreciated!!! Thank you so much!


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Here's a thread about manual imprinters, which would be a less expensive way to get cc info http://www.candletech.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3772&highlight=credit+cards. I think propay & paypal are the most popular companies people use. You would need a merchant account that either comes with or you pay for their virtual terminal with paypal.

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Thanks guys! See, I was thinking, when I've been to craft shows, I've never even thought about using a credit card- I figure most people bring cash. But I live in Colorado, and it may be different out here, who knows. I'll see if I can find a cheap credit card option. Thanks!!!

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While the organizer recommends it, it's not a requirement. You could just accept cash and checks if you don't want to go through the extra expense of getting set up to take credit cards. Especially if it's your 1st craft show and you may not be doing them often enough to justify the expense - as I understand it, the monthly fee is payable each month whether or not you made use of the service that month. But definitely check around to see if there's anything which might suit your needs.

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I use the touchpay system from:


$39.00 start up fee ( I got it for 19.99, they have specials)

$3.85% of sale

$6.99 a month

No per transaction fee, ect.

No other fees!!

No minimum sales required.

I use a manual printer to run the slips, then just call it in for approval.

Very simple, inexpensive and convient.


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Manual imprinters are good to have. I recieved one as a back up to my credit card machine. But the machine I have also works without a phone line. It stores all of the transactions until you can get to a phone line, then you can upload them.

The shows I did last year I noticed that people who paid with credit, debit cards usauallly spent about 20-30 $ more than cash customers.

If you have a Compass Bank near you...they are currently offering a 6 month free trial on credit machines. And there % per transactions are great. .20 cents plus 1.9% per transaction for credit cards and .20 per debit

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Wow Glow, the setup you have sounds awesome, is that where you got it? Compass Bank?

The only think I would worry about that, is that the cc is no good and you wouldn't know it until you went to call them in. :eek:

I agree, that accepting cc's may boost your sales (I rarely if ever have cash on me) , I use my debit card ALL the time (much to hubby's chagrin! :D ).

I'd like to have something like that for my upcoming open house but just don't know if I can justify the expenditure for a one time thing ya know? I mean I would probably use the service a few times a year and that's it.

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Yep Compass Bank is where my merchant account is set up. They offer great Merchant services. My freind signed up last month and along with the 6 months free machine she recieved a signing bonus of 50$.

I have been so happy wth that bank that I transfered all my personal accounts to them too.

After the 6 months I think the machine cost would be 450 to buy or 25 a month to rent it.

I do worry whether the cards are good are not. And it sucks to have to wait till I get home to find out. If you have a cell phone you can call it in to get a verification # on the transaction. And if you use it manually....always ask for ID. take down there DL # I have yet to have a bad transaction. "

Knock on wood"

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