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Web Sales..worth the cost?

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I sell to a few local stores and also I deliver for free to a few surrounding counties...I also have a web site that I have had for a year now...but Ive never had a shopping cart. So Ive never had anyone other than locals order. I pay $200 a year for the site.(homestead provides it) and now I am looking into adding the shopping carts and accepting credit cards...all that stuff. But the cost for that is an additional $300 a year...so is $500 a year worth it? Just wanting to know if web sales are easy to come by, LOL I know nothing about packaging or shipping cost...etc.


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I'm on the LUSH forums (LUSH Cosmetics), and a lot of my website sales have come from word of mouth on there and other forums like Makeup Alley, and just from friends and family who know I have a site. I've also gotten some sales by promotions through the Little Black Box, and doing giveaways and things like that, but I've had very few "just happened by your site and thought I'd order" or "googled candles and your things looked good" sales. But if you've got a way thought out to promote your site, then sure, $500 a year may be worth it. The first year, not so much, but as with anything good, it will take time to grow. :)

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Depending on how complex your website, $500 sounds like a lot of money. I am very lucky that my husband was able to do my website, so I only have to pay hosting fees. No matter what you decide I wish you the best of luck.


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I can't answer the question of whether you should go for it, but just wanted to point out it's really $300 a year and not $500 a year since you're already paying $200 no matter what you decide. It seems like you're already getting orders (saw the other thread about the lady from Austria placing an order) even without the shopping cart?

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That seems a bit much to pay. If you know a little bit about creating your own site, you can do like me and go with bluevoda and use a mals shopping cart (free) and process your transactions through propay. I only pay $115/year for it all, plus use the propay at shows too. If you just put a little work into it and learn the basics of coding and web design, its very easy and much cheaper! Plus it's nice having total control of the website design and the ability to change things instantly whenever you want.

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to me that's a lot of money.

I made my site with Zen cart, I'm not telling you have to do it it by your own becasue systems like zen cart can me depressing (for example, I have to add new fragrances to my products and I'm already scared by the work I need to do), anyway the hosting costs me $150 per year, with full assistance. The hosting server is set up specifically for carts, and they can solve me any problem I should encounter!

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I can't answer the question of whether you should go for it, but just wanted to point out it's really $300 a year and not $500 a year since you're already paying $200 no matter what you decide. It seems like you're already getting orders (saw the other thread about the lady from Austria placing an order) even without the shopping cart?

Yes she emailed me and asked if I would ship to Austria.

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Does the $500 (or $300 additional) include the credit card fees? If so it may not be as much as it feels. For like someone mentioned, it could be $20 a month to accept credit cards. That's already $240 out of the additional $300 you're thinking of spending.

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No the $300 doesnt include the transaction fees. He said that I will have to have a merchant account and when someone checks out to pay they will be transferred to another site. He spoke very highly about using paypal to accept CC. I always thought that the buyer had to be signed up with paypal to pay me with CC on paypal but he said that isnt true. He said they have cart setup with that package to use paypal for payment. Do you think that setting up a cart and using paypal to accept all payments is ok and wont scare anyone away? And that would keep me from getting another type of merchant account? Sorry Im just new to all of this. TIA

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I always thought that the buyer had to be signed up with paypal to pay me with CC on paypal but he said that isnt true.

They've changed it so the customer no longer needs to have an account with paypal. You do need to get their premium (business) account though. There's no monthly fee but you do have to pay a transaction fee of 30 cents + 2.9% for each purchase. As and when these transaction fees become more than what you would pay for a merchant account, then you could switch over.

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Does the premium (business) account limit you to transactions...(sales) per month?

I don't think there's any limit. At least not that I've reached yet, LOL. But if you have that many transactions, you'd be better off with a merchant account. The paypal way is more for small potatoes like myself.

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I use paypal and I know of some others here that do several hundred a month with no problems. You do need premie, but the fees are actually quite negotiable and IF you decide to add a merchant account later, then you don't have to pay anything to not use it anymore.

Since you've had no web sales, I'd suggest this route until you know just how much you will ship.

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After many nights of headache and pounding my head against the wall trying to figure out how to add a shopping cart...etc. I have decided to take my domain name and start up a web site with diyestores.com since they offer the shopping cart with the yearly fee....Now I have toi figure out how to use the same domain name and emails...hope it isnt to hard. LOL

For those of you that use the DIY site...is the set up wizard pretty easy...they seem to explain it like it is very easy to start...TIA

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