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large email order - - too good to be true???

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Hi folks,

Today we recieved an email inquiry about whether we made soap and what was in stock. We custom pour our glycerin soap so only have a few leftovers from our last craft show. The woman writes back and asks for 200 of 3 different soaps - which is an order to the tune of $1700. My husband was so excited but then reality/fear is setting in.

She hasn't answered if she intends to resale it - even though we told her we don't wholesale/consign our soaps now. She just wanted our phone number and a total so that she could call and pay us.

I'm trying to draft a return email that is polite but says unless you tell us what you're doing with the soaps and give use at least a 65% deposit - we won't do the order. I don't want to offend a true customer but this smells of a scam to me.



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I really wouldnt worry about what she is doing with the soaps as long as you are getting what you asked for them.

I would tell her that you need a deposit to get started though. I would also find out where she intends to have them you ship them to. If its outside of the US chances are its a scam. you can tell her that the deposit has to be in the form of a money order or you can take down the info she provides which I would assume is a credit card and you can call the card company she uses (visa, mastercard) whatever and tell them your story and that you think it could be a scam. They can tell you if the card is stolen or if it matches the person. I hope its legit, and if it is congrats.....good luck

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As long as you get the payment in full before you start making the soaps, then go for it!!:yay:

Either get a CC up front or make sure the check clears before you begin to process her order..

Who cares what she does with them.. You will be $1700.00 richer..


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I'm not sure why you need to know what she is doing with the soaps if she is willing to pay full price for it.

Secondly, full payment and work does not begin until payment is cleared.

Most of the time if your gut tells you it's a bad deal, it more than likely is. A women's intuition doesn't need to be tuned up like a car.

I hope it's a real order for you.

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Don't want to burst your bubble but I got same email. I told her what I had an price before she said how much she wanted. Asked her where it was being shipping and she said

Delivery is to Ghana W.Africa,I am interested in the oatmeal &amp.Kindly quote on 1000pcs.

I told her I didn't ship outside US and never heard no more.

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Cashiers Checks, money orders and credit cards are all being forged, stolen, etc. Smells like a scam to me if she hasn't answered you already. When did she use your soap and where did she get it?? I'd be highly suspicious of that large an order if they's never tried your soap before.

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I have received several emails like that inquiring about candles. I refer them to my website yet they always come back with how much for X number of this? DUH....not to sound rude but it's all listed. I even had a few people go as far as to give me a SS number, credit card number, address, name, phone, references, etc. He kept saying to process the cards and give him an authorization number ASAP. But I still felt it was a bad deal so I said my CC processor is needing to know the name of the bank which the CC is issued. They said Citi Bank. When I called Citi bank, Citi bank had no record of the name nor card number. They couldn't verify much for me but I said I just need to verify that a number matches the name. They said no such CC number exists in their system. Same thing happened with a Wells Fargo account last week. I always call before processing large orders particularly those out of state because you never know. Besides, I feel a true customer would appreciate you checking to make sure they CC was legit. So, basically all I'm saying is who cares what she does with the product IF you get legit payment but in the same respect, follow your instinct and if you think it's a scam double check all forms of payment.

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