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Shipping and Mals-E


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Ok, still working on setting my site up, how do you guys deal with shipping? Do you go to the trouble of weighing and measuring every single item? Charge a flat shipping fee? If so how much? Or Send new invoices after getting a shipping quote yourself after it is boxed up?

Personally, not sure if I want to invoice later..........:(

I'm using Mals-e, just the free one....

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I use Mals-e cart with shipping option #8. Got an account with UPS and signed up for live shipping with USPS. Yes, weigh each item and bump it up a little to allow for packing.

I've used that method for 7 years and have had no issues at all.

Love it!


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I always thought Mals shipping was a pain in the ass.

What I did when I had it was

$5 start off shipping then $1 for each additional item it kind of worked most of the time I broke even but a few times it cost me mainly if a lot of the heavier item where ordered.

I use real time shipping calculator now

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I can't imagine using flat rate. I guess my products have too many variables. I couldn't ship a handful of tarts for the same price as a heavy candle in a crystal container, or gift basket, for example. If I did flat rate, somebody would be screwed, and it's not gonna be me.

You certainly will have to weigh your products, including packing materials and box. It's the only way to get real-time shipping. Unless you're constantly adding new products with variable rates, just do it once and you're set. I had it when I was with DIYeStores. It's not that bad. You just have to knuckle down and do it.

I'm thinking there are tons of threads here about Mals, shipping, yada, yada, as well as hosting, site building, the whole 9 yards. A thorough search should yield answers to all your questions.

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